The Circle of Prosperity: Tribal Colleges, Tradition, & Technology 6/2/2019 TCU Tech Committee Update: Toward the Circle of Prosperity AN-MSI Fall 2001 Meeting Indianapolis, IN November 1, 2001 6/2/2019
The Circle of Prosperity: Tribal Colleges, Tradition, & Technology 6/2/2019 THE VISION: To Build and sustain within each TCU the capacity to plan and implement, in culturally relevant ways, information technology vital to TCU education, research and development, and community service programs. The goal is not to GIVE something to the colleges or our people. It is to build a framework…. 6/2/2019
The Circle of Prosperity: Tribal Colleges, Tradition, & Technology 6/2/2019 AIHEC’s 8 Goal Areas Leadership And Coordination Resource Development Education And Human Resources Policy Infra- Structure Culture And Community Research And Development Partnerships 6/2/2019
National TCU Framework Model The Circle of Prosperity: Tribal Colleges, Tradition, & Technology 6/2/2019 National TCU Framework Model AIHEC-TCUs IT Advisory Board TCUs IT Experts Private Sector Key Foundations Other Stakeholders AN-MSI AIHEC Technology Coordinating Office AICF Capacity Building Funding/Sustainability Resource Development Policy Changes The National Framework includes: TCUs as focal point for Fed tech programs & private sector p-ships. Coordinating body w/in AIHEC to oversee activities & opportunities. Outside advisory board; key partners Projects & Initiatives: Computer simulation for planning. Collaboratories for communication, IT development: Leading edge IT model. TCU Projects PABTCU Partnerships Barrier Removal Endowment 6/2/2019
The Circle of Prosperity: Tribal Colleges, Tradition, & Technology 6/2/2019 6/2/2019
Leadership & Coordination: Tech Office Established Strategic Plan Completed National TCU IT Advisory Board 6/2/2019
Tech Advisory Board: Purposes: -- National Framework of Partnerships, Resources, Opportunities -- Current & Evolving Technologies and Strategies Membership: 20 -- 4 TCU -- 5 IHE/R&D -- 6 P Sector -- 4 Fed Policy/Programs -- 1 pre-K/12 6/2/2019
Culture & Community Digital Library Project: Librarian Manager to be hired Individual TCU Library Web-pages NDSL Project National & International Indigenous IT Projects: NMAI, UM “Digital Collectives” 6/2/2019
Sustainable IT Infrastructure TCU Tech Assessments: Ongoing process Individual TCU IT Plans: “CAT” Visit Model: Resources & Strategies Broadband Connectivity: Wireless Project, Internet2 (High Performance Computing) 6/2/2019
Sustainable Education & Human Resource Programs Sloane Award: Lori Lambert/SKC Distance Education Program IT Certification Programs: Microsoft, Cisco Student IT Workforce Initiative: Individual Efforts w/Distributed Support 6/2/2019
Resource Development Based on Assessments & TCUP/Title III experience, new funding strategies can be developed TA strategy for successful programs: TCUP Existing Programs: Reader Pool (NSF) 6/2/2019
Partnerships Federal Agencies: “Seamless Coordination Among Agencies” Private Sector: IBM, Cisco, Microsoft, ITAA National Organizations: Alliance, AN-MSI, Internet2 6/2/2019
Research & Development High Performance Computing: EOT-PACI, NCSA grant for TCU development Collaboratory Initiative 6/2/2019
Policy AIHEC Statement on S. 414 Policy Recommendations: TCUP Funding ASSESSMENTS NEEDED! TCUP Funding -- More Dedicated Funding -- IT Endowment -- “Indians Into Technology” Program -- Wireless Initiative 6/2/2019
Board Motions, Oct. 2001 AIHEC Technology Advisory Group Membership TCU IT Plans: Coordinated Effort or Individual Initiative Resource Development/Policy: Authorizing and Appropriation Strategies 6/2/2019