Network Security Mark Creighton GBA 576 6/4/2019
Overview Network security includes: physical security electronic security information security. 6/4/2019
Physical Security Extra components, computers and printers Locks on doors, alarm sensors at all entry points into the company, an alarm system and utilization of security companies Steel bars, steel cables and locks Network back-ups stored offsite 6/4/2019
Physical Security: Network Cable Unshielded wiring is susceptible to listening devices due to the electromagnetic radiation it gives off. Shielded wiring gives off less electromagnetic radiation but it may still be susceptible to listening devices Fiber-optic cable does not give off electromagnetic radiation 6/4/2019
Electronic Security Firewalls Antivirus software Passwords Intrusion Detection Systems 6/4/2019
Electronic Security: Firewalls Analyzes data entering and leaving a network and protects the IP addresses of computers located behind the firewall Packet Filtering - uses the packet’s source, destination, port to determine access Proxy Firewalls - utilizes content, authentication and encryption, is more secure but is slower 6/4/2019
Firewall Disadvantages Use of brute force to flood a firewall with too much incoming data will cause it to fail Encrypted traffic can get through a firewall 6/4/2019
Antivirus Software Can detect known viruses, worms, trojans or other malicious code Between 6500 and 8800 new viruses are created each year Most viruses are created to affect only Microsoft Operating systems McAfee and Norton 6/4/2019
Passwords Minimum of eight characters long No dictionary words Contain both letters and numbers (529MARK1971) Automated password generation software from or 6/4/2019
Intrusion Detection System Monitors, detects or identifies and records potential security threats or intrusions Utilize signature scanning - unique data fingerprints -scanning ports Anomaly detection - time of day log in Signature Detection - 3X password wrong Target monitoring - specific files modified 6/4/2019
Network based IDS Sensors are located on network Unauthorized access and denial of service Less effective on high speed networks and encrypted messages 6/4/2019
Host based IDS Monitors activity on specific computers Detects and collects unauthorized insider activity more quickly Disadvantage is that they are large in proportion to the size of the company Can be circumvented by cracker disabling data collection on host computer 6/4/2019
Information Security Public Key Infrastructure encryption: - Symmetrical - same key - Asymmetrical - public and private key - Digital certificates - license credentials - Digital Signatures - cryptographic - Timestamps - mathematical link 6/4/2019
Conclusion Security is a multifacited discipline Keeping current on security is critical There is no such thing as being totally secure Best offense is a good defense Security will fail so make sure it fails in a way that allows for the least amount of damage 6/4/2019