The concept of layers GIS and LIS
Attributes of Cities in the Topography Data Frame
Example of themes imported from AutoCad by Cad Reader in ArcView
Images can be hot linked to features.
placing increasingly strict land use zones around environmentally sensitive areas. A buffer example that can be followed by overlay analysis.
Wells Parcels Soil types
Piercing Needle ApproachCookie Cutter Approach
Shaded relief DTM Produced by ArcInfo
Washington State Topography, DTM
Examples of Student Projects CEE 424 GIS for Civil Engineers
Analysis of Fixed Route Service Coverage for King Co Kari Watkins CEE GIS
Analysis Using Transit Data, Household Data and Employment Data Select zones with: –> 3 HH per acre –> 4 jobs per acre Determine % of transit supportive areas served
Buffered Transit Areas
Transit Supportive Households
Transit Supportive Employment
Conclusions Households 89.3% served –LOS B Employment 77.5% served –LOS C
Proposed Route for LTR Everett Link Tsit Lam Runze Yu December 3, 2007
Introduction From Northgate to Everett Both socioeconomic and environmental characteristics of the region are considered. Across King and Snohomish County Through Northgate, Edmonds, Lynnwood and Everett
Data Used Highway Network Minor Arterial Network Transit Center Distribution County Boundaries Park and Ride Lots (mall and potential LTR stations included) Snohomish County School Snohomish County Parcels King County Parcels Wetland
Conclusion 15th Ave NE 44th Ave W Alderwood Mall Parkway Ash Way 4th Ave W (Everett) Everett Mall Way S Broadway