Launching ceremony at the European Parliament on the 13th of June 2007
Introduction The Hindu Forum of Europe (HFE) is the representative body for Hindus in Europe. Founding members of the HFE include the following national umbrella bodies including the Hindu Council of Holland, Hindu Forum of Britain, Hindu Forum of Belgium, Italian Hindu Union and the National Council of Hindu Temples UK. HFE proposes to act as an interface between European Institutions and Hindus in Europe. It will initially focus on community consultation, European public affairs and citizenship, and promotion of positive images of Hindus in Europe. Hinduism represents the third largest faith in Europe with over 2 million adherents.
Goals The association’s main objectives are: To represent the European Hindu Communities to the European Institutions, Media and Public. To share information amongst the different Hindu Communities in Europe and present position statements on certain issues. To consult the European Hindu Communities on major European policies, legislation and issues affecting them; and present these consultations to the European Institutions. To promote a positive image of the European Hindu Community
Next steps To establish the Forum as a legal entity in Brussels To decide on the criteria to join the Forum To identify countries that have national umbrella organizations or are most ready to start To secure funding