About Polling Polls are a means to gather input on a specific decision regarding a requirement. Polls are objects in the Poll class. To create a poll for a requirement, the project schema must contain a relationship between the poll class and the desired requirement class. To create an instance of a poll class (an individual poll), a user must have the “Create” permission in the poll class. The creator of a poll specifies the users who will receive the poll and can optionally set a response deadline. The My Work view includes a section that displays polls relevant to the current user: Recent Polls I Participate In.
Highlight a requirement and select ‘Setup Poll’ from the actions pane Initiating a Poll Open a requirement and, from the Polls section, select ‘Start a New Poll’ Highlight a requirement and select ‘Setup Poll’ from the actions pane Creating a Poll A user with the "Create" permission for the Poll class can create a poll. Note Before a poll can be created, the Poll class and a relationship to the required classes must be added to the database using the Class Definition tool. When you create relationships between other classes and the Poll class, the other classes must be primary and the Poll class must be secondary. For more information, see the Serena Dimensions RM Administrator's Guide. To create a poll: Open a requirement Click the Create Poll button. You may need to first click the More button to display the Create Poll button. The Create Poll dialog box opens to the General tab. Type the title of the poll. The poll title does not have to be unique; other polls can have the same title. Type the question for which you need feedback. Type at least two answers to the poll. There is no practical limit to the number of answers that you can include. When you begin typing in the last answer field, a new answer field is automatically created below it. To rearrange the answers: Click the insert button to add a new answer above the selected answer, instead of adding it to the end of the list. Select an answer and click the delete button to delete it. Blank answers do not have to be deleted because they are ignored. Click the up arrow and down arrow buttons to move the selected answer up or down in the list. Click the sort button to sort the answers alphabetically. In the Response deadline section, either select No deadline or select the date and time that the poll should close. The poll closes when the selected date and time have passed, when the poll creator clicks the Stop button, or when all participants have voted. Click the Participants tab. Select the users you want to participate in the poll. A minimum of three participants is required. If you select a group, its members are displayed below the lists on the Create Poll dialog box. Click Start to start the poll.
Enter a Title and a Question. Initiating a Poll Enter a Title and a Question. Enter suggested answers in the Answers fields. Click the + or x buttons to add or delete another field. Creating a Poll A user with the "Create" permission for the Poll class can create a poll. Note Before a poll can be created, the Poll class and a relationship to the required classes must be added to the database using the Class Definition tool. When you create relationships between other classes and the Poll class, the other classes must be primary and the Poll class must be secondary. For more information, see the Serena Dimensions RM Administrator's Guide. To create a poll: Open a requirement Click the Create Poll button. You may need to first click the More button to display the Create Poll button. The Create Poll dialog box opens to the General tab. Type the title of the poll. The poll title does not have to be unique; other polls can have the same title. Type the question for which you need feedback. Type at least two answers to the poll. There is no practical limit to the number of answers that you can include. When you begin typing in the last answer field, a new answer field is automatically created below it. To rearrange the answers: Click the insert button to add a new answer above the selected answer, instead of adding it to the end of the list. Select an answer and click the delete button to delete it. Blank answers do not have to be deleted because they are ignored. Click the up arrow and down arrow buttons to move the selected answer up or down in the list. Click the sort button to sort the answers alphabetically. In the Response deadline section, either select No deadline or select the date and time that the poll should close. The poll closes when the selected date and time have passed, when the poll creator clicks the Stop button, or when all participants have voted. Click the Participants tab. Select the users you want to participate in the poll. A minimum of three participants is required. If you select a group, its members are displayed below the lists on the Create Poll dialog box. Click Start to start the poll.
Specify a Response deadline. Initiating a Poll Use the Arrow buttons, or the Sort button, to arrange the answers into the desired order. Specify a Response deadline. Creating a Poll A user with the "Create" permission for the Poll class can create a poll. Note Before a poll can be created, the Poll class and a relationship to the required classes must be added to the database using the Class Definition tool. When you create relationships between other classes and the Poll class, the other classes must be primary and the Poll class must be secondary. For more information, see the Serena Dimensions RM Administrator's Guide. To create a poll: Open a requirement Click the Create Poll button. You may need to first click the More button to display the Create Poll button. The Create Poll dialog box opens to the General tab. Type the title of the poll. The poll title does not have to be unique; other polls can have the same title. Type the question for which you need feedback. Type at least two answers to the poll. There is no practical limit to the number of answers that you can include. When you begin typing in the last answer field, a new answer field is automatically created below it. To rearrange the answers: Click the insert button to add a new answer above the selected answer, instead of adding it to the end of the list. Select an answer and click the delete button to delete it. Blank answers do not have to be deleted because they are ignored. Click the up arrow and down arrow buttons to move the selected answer up or down in the list. Click the sort button to sort the answers alphabetically. In the Response deadline section, either select No deadline or select the date and time that the poll should close. The poll closes when the selected date and time have passed, when the poll creator clicks the Stop button, or when all participants have voted. Click the Participants tab. Select the users you want to participate in the poll. A minimum of three participants is required. If you select a group, its members are displayed below the lists on the Create Poll dialog box. Click Start to start the poll.
Select Participating Users Specify the users that will participate in the poll. You can select individual users and/or user groups. When the poll is ready, click the Start button. Active Polls are listed under ‘My Work’