Pearl Harbor 1941
Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1945
Japanese Surrender 1945
Rebuilding Japan General Douglas MacArthur Builder/Architect Rebuild industry Government People Infrastructure Transportation Public works
Clear out the old Militaristic regime was over Emperor Hirohito loses power
Foundation Constitutional Monarchy Emperor would lose actual power He would remain as a symbol of the country to help maintain Japanese Culture
Scaffolding - Constitution Government Two party house- Diet Universal Suffrage- everyone over 20 yrs old can vote Bill of Rights – guaranteed freedoms
No guard dogs Clause in the Constitution Japan can no longer have a large army They can not declare war They can have a small army to protect themselves
Payback your neighbors Japan agreed to pay war reparations (damages) They agreed to pay for war damages to countries they attacked in WWII Give Manchuria back to China No longer claim Formosa (Taiwan) Japan had to give up all overseas possessions