EE #18: Mixed Market How much grain is being made at Pt. D? How much corn is being made at Pt. D? What happens to the amount of grain being produced as the curve moves from Pt C to Pt F? 4. Why would a farmer NOT want to be producing at Pt A?
Mixed Market Gov regulates some aspects of economy, but mostly a free/pure market What are some of the things the gov does to regulate our economy?
MIX! Private Property Rights: you can own things Intellectual Property Rights: Patent Copyright Trademark Gov protects your ownership
Monopoly / Trust Antitrust laws: break up monopolies Promote competition Keep prices low Any monopolies today?
Natural Monopoly Electricity Water Called public utilities
Public Goods: owned by gov Provided for all (via taxes) National Defense / military Park Schools
Would you want a nuclear energy plant in your neighborhood?
Regulate Externalities Affect ppl other than buyers & sellers Negative externalities: pollution Positive ext. : vaccinations