The Buzz in Mrs. Gautney’s Hive Room C6 April 15 - 19, 2019 A Peek at the Week Math: Telling time to the minute; AM and PM Language Arts/Reading: Poetry Skills: Point of View, Rhyme and Rhythm, Word Choice Writing: Fiction Narrative Grammar: Multiple Meaning Words Social Studies: Alabama Regions, Rivers/Waterways, Interstates, State and National Parks Spelling Words Focus: Suffix –er--double d when adding –er; Prefix –re,-un runner, builder, painter, rebuild, repaint, refill, untie, unsweet, undone, winner, planner, spinner Vocabulary Words: endure perplexed mundane blunder frail snug attain vacant tourist notorious Homework Corner Every night: *Read 20 minutes; record title of book in planner; SIGN planner *practice spelling pattern *practice multiplication/division facts Math worksheet due on Friday! Hive Happenings! April 16 – PTO/Tech Meeting (6:00 pm) May 3 – Pick and Sew Day April 19 – Weather Day (no school) May 21 – Last Student Day April 23 – Chalkable Reading (state testing) April 25 – Chalkable Math (state testing); Progress Reports go home April 26 – Field trip to AJHS for Aladdin Jr. Musical