Radioactive Materials Section Update Bobby Janecka (512) 239-6415 TCEQ Environmental Trade Fair May 16, 2018 Pictured: TCEQ agency logo.
Radioactive Materials Licensing Authorizing licenses for: Low-level radioactive waste disposal By-product material disposal Public water system NORM waste disposal Alternative methods of disposal (i.e. above ground radioactive waste disposal) Radioactive waste storage and processing Pictured: Contaminated debris from the Savannah River Site bound for disposal in the Waste Control Specialists Federal Waste Facility, prior to being macroencapsulated in grout and placed in a modular concrete canister for disposal. Pictured: TCEQ agency logo. Contaminated debris from the Savannah River Site bound for disposal in the Waste Control Specialists Federal Waste Facility, prior to being macroencapsulated in grout and placed in a modular concrete canister for disposal. Contaminated debris from the Savannah River Site bound for disposal in the Waste Control Specialists Federal Waste Facility, prior to being macroencapsulated in grout and placed in a modular concrete canister for disposal.
Radioactive Materials Licensing Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) Disposal Facility in Andrews County, operated by Waste Control Specialists As of April 1, 2018: Over 441,000 cubic feet of LLRW has been safely disposed in the Compact Waste Facility. Over 283,000 cubic feet of federal LLRW has been safely disposed in the Federal Waste Facility. Over $33.4 million in fees have been generated as revenue to the State of Texas. Pictured: The Waste Control Specialists Compact Waste Facility, as inspected by TCEQ Office of Compliance and Enforcement staff on May 29, 2014. Over $46.6 million in fees have been generated as revenue to the State of Texas. Pictured: TCEQ agency logo. The Waste Control Specialists Compact Waste Facility, as inspected by TCEQ Office of Compliance and Enforcement staff on May 29, 2014. The Waste Control Specialists Compact Waste Facility, as inspected by TCEQ Office of Compliance and Enforcement staff on May 29, 2014.
Uranium Licensing and Permitting Licenses and permits In-Situ Uranium mining and processing and disposal of by-product material. Currently: 5 licensed sites with in-situ mining operations, 3 licensed sites with processing operations, 2 licensed sites both mining and processing, and 3 tailing impoundments. Pictured: Pictured: The photograph on the left is typical layout of the in-situ mining sites, several pipes connect to injection wells and the product is routed to either a holding tank or the nearby processing facility. The photograph on the right is the Hobson processing facility. The licensing of both the mining and processing operations requires extensive reviews Health Physics, Process Engineering, and Geology.
Radioactive Materials Section Highlights Preliminary finding by Nuclear Regulatory Commission audit that RMD program is “adequate and compatible”. Completed review of WCS’s 2016 Performance Assessment update. Issued license renewal for Ascend Performance Materials Texas Inc., license number RW0219 on July 18, 2017. Processing request for license and permit termination at unmined uranium recovery site.
Radioactive Materials Section Highlights Rulemaking updates: Adopted rulemaking for House Bill 2662 (85th Regular Session), removing 5% disposal fee on Compact Waste Facility receipts, on April 4, 2018. Anticipated to propose rulemaking on June 20 2018 implementing updates, as petitioned in October 2016 by the Texas Mining and Reclamation Association Uranium Committee. Anticipated to propose rulemaking in 2018 to make revisions to the compact disposal rate including a volume adjustment requested by WCS.