Overcoming by Knowing the Warning Signs


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Presentation transcript:

Overcoming by Knowing the Warning Signs Lesson 07: Overcoming by Knowing the Warning Signs

Victory Assured! Class Syllabus Victory with Jesus Christ 1. Overcoming with the Resurrected Savior (1:9-20; 19:11-16). 2. Overcoming with the Worthy Lamb (4:1-5:14).   Victory with the Church--the Letters 3. Overcoming Apathy (2:1-7; 3:14-22). 4. Overcoming Idolatry (2:8-29) 5. Overcoming Spiritual Death (3:1-13).

Victory Assured! Class Syllabus Victory Over Life’s Everyday Battles 6 Overcoming Hardship--the Seals (6:1-17). 7 Overcoming by Knowing the Warning Signs--the Trumpets (8:1-11:19). Victory Over Worldliness 8 Overcoming Satan (12:1-17). 9 Overcoming Political Persecution (13:1-10). 10 Overcoming False Religion (13:11-18). 11 Overcoming Materialism (18:1-24).

Lesson 07: Overcoming by Knowing the Warning Signs THE FIRST SIX TRUMPETS (Rev. 8:1-9:21) A. The First Trumpet (8:7) is: Land Disaster (1/3 destroyed). B. The Second Trumpet (8:8,9). Oceanic Disaster (1/3 destroyed). C. The Third Trumpet (8:10,11) is: Fresh water Disaster (1/3 destroyed).

Lesson 07: Overcoming by Knowing the Warning Signs THE FIRST SIX TRUMPETS (Rev. 8:1-9:21) A. The Fourth Trumpet (8:12) is: Heavenly Disaster (1/3 destroyed). B. The message of the first four trumpets: A sampling of God’s power to bring repentance.

Lesson 07: Overcoming by Knowing the Warning Signs THE FIRST SIX TRUMPETS (Rev. 8:1-9:21) A. The Fifth Trumpet (9:1-12) is: Humans cannot escape the temptations of the devil and the suffering of sin. B. The Sixth Trumpet (9-13-21) is: War is another warning sign to repent before it is too late. C. Sad conclusion: Mankind did not repent!

THE ANGEL AND THE LITTLE BOOK (Rev. 10:1-11) Lesson 07: Overcoming by Knowing the Warning Signs THE ANGEL AND THE LITTLE BOOK (Rev. 10:1-11) The Strong Angel (10:1-7). Angels are powerful and comforting servants of God and men. This radiant, glory filled description of an angel is another reason for our comfort and victory—look who’s on our side! The Bittersweet Booklet (10:8-11). The message of the gospel is both sweet and bitter and we must preach both!

Lesson 07: Overcoming by Knowing the Warning Signs THE TWO WITNESSES (Rev. 11:1-14) The Two Witnesses are: The Law and the prophets. Other notables in the chapter: 1. The preaching will not go on forever. 2. A proper reading of the OT sees it fulfilled in Jesus Christ (Jn. 5:39). 3. Satan believes he has stopped the word of God, but it always “resurrects” itself. 4. Destruction is coming—repent!

Lesson 07: Overcoming by Knowing the Warning Signs THE SEVENTH TRUMPET (Rev. 11:15-19) A. The Seventh Trumpet (11:15-19). The vision says: Christ continues to reign supreme. B. With the end of the trumpets, also comes the end the seven seals. C. We can only imagine the splendor of this scene.

Lesson 07: Overcoming by Knowing the Warning Signs CONCLUSION We have seen that God gives the wicked opportunities to repent of their sin by natural calamity and the preaching of His word. We have also seen that despite all the problems the church had to endure, it comes out victorious.

Lesson 07: Overcoming by Knowing the Warning Signs NEXT LESSON: Overcoming Satan (Rev. 12:1-17)