Course Selection and Scheduling Class of 2016 EAST NOBLE HIGH SCHOOL 2012-2013 Course Selection and Scheduling Class of 2016
2012-2013 Course Selection Trimesters Five periods per day, 70 minutes per period Three terms/semesters per year Select 15 terms/courses Some courses are one term, some courses are two terms Two term courses may meet during 1st and 2nd terms, 2nd and 3rd terms, or 1st and 3rd terms
Making the Change: Freshman Focus Objective: To assist students in the transition from Middle School into High School. Core subjects (English, Math, Science, Physical Education, Health, and Social Studies) will have predominately freshmen in the classes Visits to the High School Mentor Program Freshmen Orientation, August 2012 Required Attendance
Activities “Get Involved!” Athletics Competitive Academic Clubs Competitive Musical Groups Departmental Clubs
2012-2013 Course Selection Course Description Handbook Use this handbook to learn about: Academic Lab Information About Graduation Requirements and Options Academic Probation Extracurricular Requirements Course Descriptions Number of Credits to be Earned Grade Level Prerequisites Core 40 or Academic/Technical Honors
2012-2013 Course Selection Required Courses English - 2 terms required English 9 (3 terms) English 9 Pre Advanced Placement (2 terms) Math – 2 terms required Math Enrichment (3 Terms) Algebra Lab, Algebra I (3 terms) Geometry (2 terms)
2012-2013 Course Selection Required Courses Physical Education – Basic PE 2 terms required Health - 1 term Career Planning and Success Skills - 1 Term Science - 2 terms Biology or Pre AP Biology PLTW Biomedical Science
2012-2013 Course Selection Electives Departments Agribusiness (Mr. Arnold) Fundamentals of Agribusiness Art Introduction to Two/Three Dimensional Art Drawing Painting Ceramics Jewelry Sculpture Intro to 2D/3D is a Prerequisite
2012-2013 Course Selection Electives Departments - Continued Business Computer Applications Adv. Computer Applications Business Foundations English Introduction to Publications (2 terms)
2012-2013 Course Selections Electives Departments - Continued Family and Consumer Science (Mrs. Desper) Nutrition and Wellness Advanced Nutrition and Foods Fashion and Textiles Technology Advanced Fashion and Textiles Technology Child Development and Parenting (1 or 2 terms) Advanced Child Development and Parenting (1 or 2 terms) Interpersonal Relationships (1 or 2 terms)
2012-2013 Course Selection Electives Departments - Continued Music Advanced Concert Band – Marching Band (3 terms) Intermediate Concert Band – Non Marching (3 terms) Jazz Ensemble (2 terms – by audition only) Beginning Chorus (1-3 terms) Music History and Appreciation (1 term) Music Theory and Composition (1 term) Beginning and Intermediate Premier Edition (3 terms - by audition only) Knight Rhythms (3 terms - by audition only)
2012-2013 Course Selection Departments - Continued Social Studies Citizenship and Civics World Geography and History of the World (2 terms) World History and Civilization (2 terms) Technology PLTW Intro to Engineering
2012-2013 Course Selection Form
Graduation Requirements Freshman Year Choose: English 9 or English 9 Pre AP Math: Biology or Biology Pre AP Government or AP Government Economics or AP Economics Graduation Requirements
2012-2013 Course Selection Course Selection Sheet You Will Select 15 Courses Place a Check Mark by Each Course Selected Select Four Alternate Courses
2012-2013 Course Selections Summer School Classes Indicate interest on course selection sheet Physical Education I (First Session) Sign up will occur sometime after Spring Break. (only 70 students will be allowed)
Career Pathways 2012-2013 Course Selections Art & Communications Business & Information Engineering/Manufacturing Technology Health & Related Services Human & Social Services Natural Resources & Agrisciences
The Career Pathways Model Partnerships within the community Career Planning and Success – 9th Special courses like Bio-med, Forensics… ICE, Internships, Cadet Teaching… Vocational Programming through the Four County Area Vocational Cooperative… Rigor, Relevance and Relationship within the curriculum College credits while in high school !!
Mrs. Munson will Visit Your School and Help You Select Your Courses.
Dates to Remember Spring 2012 8th Grade students visit the high school during the school day. August 2012 Freshmen Orientation, 8:30 a.m. -1:15 p.m., ENHS
You are too young to close ANY doors to your future You are too young to close ANY doors to your future!!! Make Your Freshman Year at East Noble High School Your First Step to Lifelong Success.