George W. Bush 2000-2008 Party Republican Vice President Dick Cheney
Who won the electoral college vote in Florida? Went to bed not knowing who was President. Went to Supreme court to determine the Florida vote Bush wins!
911 September 11, 2001 World Trade Centers in NYC, Pentagon in Washington attacked Declared Acts of War Begins “War on Terror”
Patriot Act 10/26/01 Detain foreigners suspected of terrorists activities for 70 days without charging them Tap phones & emails Search warrants valid across states Order banks to investigate sources of large foreign accounts Prosecute terrorists without any restrictions
Afghanistan Afghanistan- Overthrow Taliban to root out Al Qaeda
Weapons of Mass Destruction Bush believes that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destrution Sends in inspection teams with little success of finding them
Iraq Iraq- Operation Iraqi Freedom, March 2003 200,000 troops Imbedded media January 25, 2005 Iraq had democratic election Rumsfeld, Sec. Of defense, has to answer questions about treatment of prisoners
No Child Left Behind 1/8/02 increases student and teacher accountability Targets money for improving schools