1 Page Notes – set up Name on the back with Period and Date Title on top 1 inch border around paper Vocabulary words and definitions throughout border space Complete all sections required by student guide Include color in all sections Y.S. Carrasco - Spring 2016
1 Page Notes – Newton’s Laws Vocabulary: Write the 3 Laws and the explainations. What happens according to Newton if you let an untied balloon go? Explain and include and illustration. Create a mini comic that shows what happens if you are riding a skateboard and hit something (like a curb) with the front wheels. Include an explanation for each picture. Explain how Newton’s laws relate to Earth’s tectonic activities. What is another name for the first law of motion? Explain why is it given that name? Using one of Newton’s Laws --- why should we wear seatbelts? Using Newton’s laws explain why heavier objects require more force than lighter objects to move or accelerate them? Explain and include and illustration. How can Newton’s laws be used to explain how rockets are launched into space? Explain and include and illustration. Explain how each of Newton’s laws affects a game of Tug of War. First Law: Second Law: Third Law: X. Draw an example of one of Newton’s laws affect your daily life? (can’t be one already used in this one-pager)