Civilian Secretariat for Police April – June 2012/13 First Quarter Financial Report Civilian Secretariat for Police Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Police (10th October 2012)
VISION AND MISSION Vision Mission A transformed & accountable Police Service that reflects the values of our developmental State Mission To provide efficient and effective civilian oversight over the SAPS & enhance the role of the Minister of Police.
ORGANISATIONAL OVERVIEW The following are the key programmes. These programmes represent the general purposes (objectives) on which funds are expended. Administration Office of the Secretary Legislation Corporate Services Policy & Research Monitoring & Evaluation Partnerships
INTRODUCTION Generally, expenditure patterns improved with the exception of the under spending in the M & E and Corporate Services (HR) The pattern in Corporate Services (HR) relates largely to training and the capatization, linked to the finalized organogram Overspending in the Partnership unit relates predominantly to the increase in the number of public participation events & provincial workshops These provincial workshops included training to ensure annual targets are met with regard to provincial implementation of CSF
2012/13 BUDGET ALLOCATION Budget Item (R’000) Budget Allocated Personnel 45 496 Operational 17 927 Total Budget 63 423
Expenditure April – June 2012/13 Programmes Budget Allocation April (R’000) May June Actual Expenditure for the quarter ending 30 June 2012 Committed expenditure (R’000) Total Expenditure for the quarter ending 30 June 2012 Administration Office of the Secretary Legislation Corporate Services Personnel 1 757 1 380 6 127 45 496 130 100 162 1 850 138 102 230 1 724 129 76 77 1862 397 278 469 5 436 65 94 672 462 (26%) 372 (27%) 1 141 (19%) 5 436 (12%) Policy and Research 1 155 60 64 31 155 109 264 (23%) Monitoring & Evaluation 4 567 27 81 274 382 394 776 (17%) Partnership 2 941 72 166 210 448 553 1 001 (34%) TOTAL 63 423 2 401 2 505 2 659 7 565 1 887 9 452 (15%) (Linear benchmark for 3 months of financial year = 25%)
Expenditure April – June 2012/13 Graphical Illustration * Although each program is expected to spend 25% per quarter, this is not always possible due to project planning
OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF POLICE Purpose of the programme: The purpose of the programme is to ensure that staff of the Civilian Secretariat for Police are supported to operate in a conducive work environment and ensure improved service delivery The Office of the Secretary consist of the following posts: The Secretary of Police (DDG) and PA Director Strategic Management Assistant Director: Information Senior Administration Officer Senior Admin Clerk
2012/13 BUDGET ALLOCATION & EXPENDITURE Programme Allocated Budget 2012/13 (R’000) Expenditure at 30th June 2012 % spent Office of the Secretary 1 757 462 26% *Legislation 1 380 372 27% * Because the Chief Director: Legislation has not been appointed yet, the budget for the Legislation Directorate was placed under the Office of the Secretary
EXPLANATION FOR OVER/UNDER EXPENDITURE There are no major over or under expenditure patterns for the Office of the Secretary There is no impact on service delivery
CORPORATE SERVICES Purpose: To provide efficient and effective administrative and financial support services to the Secretariat Sub – Programmes Finance Human Resources Supply Chain Auxiliary Services
2012/13 BUDGET ALLOCATION & EXPENDITURE Programme Allocated Budget 2012/13 (R’000) Expenditure at 30th June 2012 (R’000) % spent Corporate Services 6 127 1 141 19% Personnel 45 496 5 436 12%
EXPLANATION FOR OVER/UNDER EXPENDITURE The under expenditure is related to: The late finalization of the organogram Procurement processes only to be finalized after the appointment of new staff Tighter financial controls are now in place in anticipation of staff increase There will be no major impact on service delivery
CHIEF DIRECTORATE: POLICY AND RESEARCH Purpose: The purpose of the sub-programme is to provide quality research, policy & legislative advice to the Secretary and the Minister Sub – Programmes Policy and Research
2012/13 BUDGET ALLOCATION & EXPENDITURE Programme Allocated Budget 2012/13 (R’000) Expenditure at 30th June 2012 % spent Policy & Research 1 155 264 23%
EXPLANATION FOR OVER/UNDER SPENT There is no major over or under expenditure pattern for the unit There is no major impact on service delivery
CHIEF DIRECTORATE: MONITORING AND EVALUATION Purpose: To provide efficient and effective oversight over the SAPS through monitoring and evaluation Sub – Programmes Service Delivery and Performance Audit Policy Compliance Provincial Coordination
2012/13 BUDGET ALLOCATION & EXPENDITURE Programme Allocated Budget 2012/13 (R’000) Expenditure at 30th June 2012 % spent Monitoring & Evaluation 4 567 776 17%
EXPLANATION FOR OVER/UNDER EXPENDITURE The under expenditure of budget relates to: Revision of the M & E tool and training related to the tool reduced the number of police station visits The Domestic Violence Act handover process started only after the IPID Act was implemented The impact on service delivery will not be major as indicators will be addressed in the other quarters of the financial year
CHIEF DIRECTORATE: PARTNERSHIP Purpose: The purpose of the programme is to mobilize role-players, stakeholders and other partners in the fight against crime Sub – Programmes Civil Society Partnerships Intergovernmental Partnerships Community Outreach Programmes Crime Prevention Private-Public Partnerships
2012/13 BUDGET ALLOCATION & EXPENDITURE Programme Allocated Budget 2012/13 (R’000) Expenditure at 30th June 2012 % spent Partnerships 2 941 1 001 34%
EXPLANATION FOR OVER/UNDER EXPENDITURE The over spending was due to target set that were exceeded: Increase in public participation programmes Additional CSF workshops after finalization of CSF policy Preliminary workshop with partners in preparations for launching second hand goods campaign The impact will be that all targets will be met in the financial year