What are the new(ish) SATs all about? New Curriculum in 2014 Increased expectations in the core areas of reading, writing, spelling, grammar and mathematics with the focus also being moved to a deeper and tighter understanding. New assessments brought in 2016 Formal testing of reading, SPAG and mathematics Formal teacher (moderated) assessment of writing They are Key Stage summative assessments not Year 6 summative assessments.
The National Picture
SATs week – Monday 13th May Tuesday 14th Wednesday 15th Thursday 16th Friday 17th SATs Breakfast 8am – 8.40am B SPAG - Grammar and Punctuation Paper 45 minutes English Reading 60 minutes Maths – Arithmetic Paper 30 minutes Maths – Reasoning Paper 2 40 minutes SPAG - Spelling Paper 15 minutes approx Maths – Reasoning Paper 1 Q
What have we done up to now this year? Ensured all teaching in Year 6 is of an outstanding standard. Delivered mastery teaching in all core subjects. Conducted regular ‘gap analysis’ from our assessment to plan and re-plan coverage. Delivered ‘keep up sessions’ after each core subject and effective small group interventions in a timely manner. Taught the Year Six curriculum. Revisited and deepened prior learning.
What will we be doing up until the SATs? Increasing the amount of time spent on the core subjects. Introducing daily ‘revision’ sessions. Continuing existing interventions and adding further interventions if necessary. Adding further pick-up sessions in the afternoons to secure learning. All teachers and Senior staff carrying out tutoring in small groups outside of school hours.
What can you do? Support what we are doing in school. Let them relax at home. Keep their attendance and punctuality high. Over Easter Support them with regular practising of times tables and calculations in maths if they ask. Support them with daily reading and help them with grammar and punctuation if they ask.
What are they doing afterwards? BBQ - 17th May Class Reward Day - TBC (May) Blackland Residential Year 6 STEP Graduation Hawkes Farm's own graduation/leavers assembly and activities Production!
The Results The data may be used initially if a secondary school sets for subjects though adjustments are quickly made. The tests vary in the total marks awarded from 50 – 110. Raw scores are then scaled and awarded a value between 85 – 120. For example, a score of 28/50 in the 2018 Reading test would be scaled to 100. A scaled score of 100 or above will be reported as reaching the expected standard. A scaled score of less than a 100 will be reported as working towards the expected standard. Results are released around early July. You will be informed shortly afterwards.