Clubs and Organizations Workshops Kevin Wieseman Director, Extracurricular Activities and Athletics May 19, 2016
Johnson (Jemison): May 18th – 1st and 2nd Block Each High School is Hosting a Clubs and Organizations Workshop for Students Who are Returning for the 2016-17 School Year Johnson (Jemison): May 18th – 1st and 2nd Block Grissom: May 18th – 6th and 7th Period Huntsville: May 19 – 6th and 7th Period Lee / New Century: May 20th – 1st and 2nd Block Columbia: May 20th – 3rd and 4th Block
Each Student will Receive a Flyer of the Clubs and Organizations Offered at Their School Each student returning for the 2016-17 school year will receive material listing the clubs and organizations found at their school. They will also receive information how to start new clubs and organizations and a listing of clubs and organizations at schools across the district. ETV has supported this effort and developed a video highlighting a club from each high school.