Proactive Efforts in a Uncertain Time The discovery of a single case of BSE in the United States on Dec.23, 2003, effectively closed the majority of America’s export markets for U.S. beef and vaulted our industry into uncharted waters. At first blush, it appears our industry has come through its first case of BSE relatively unscathed. And to some degree, that is true. However, there will be export issues and new regulations that must be dealt with for years to come. We’d like to spend the next 30 minutes discussing the market situation, how your beef checkoff program is working to proactively address beef supplies, and how NCBA is working for its members on trade and regulatory issues. Just like the industry’s response to BSE, this presentation is a joint effort. The market information and beef promotion projects are funded by the Beef Checkoff Program on behalf of the Cattlemen’s Beef Board and state beef councils. Trade and regulatory efforts are funded with NCBA member dues. 1