Anything of Greatness Always Includes Others! You must develop close personal relationships! Who “you” choose to be your closest friends or associates is one of the most important decisions “you” make during the course of your life! You are the same today that you are going to be five years from now except for two things; the people with whom you associate & the books you read. (Charlie Tremendous Jones) The Bible says if you associate with wise men you’ll become wise, but a companion of fools will be destroyed. (Proverbs 13:20) You do become like those with whom you closely associate. “Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” (Proverbs 27:17) BILL WHITTLE TRAINING MATERIAL BILL WHITTLE TRAINING MATERIAL
Anything of Greatness Always Includes Others! The best friends are those who: 1. Bring out the best in you! 2. Is always there for you! 3. Care enough to confront! Relationships should be constantly & intentionally under repair! The wrong kind of friends bring out the worst in you – they absorb sunshine & radiate gloom! Proverbs 25:19, “Putting confidence in an unreliable man is like chewing with a sore tooth, or trying to run on a broken foot.” “A day away from the wrong people is like a month in the country!” “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambition. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” – Mark Twain BILL WHITTLE TRAINING MATERIAL BILL WHITTLE TRAINING MATERIAL
Anything of Greatness Always Includes Others! True friends don’t sympathize with your weakness – they help you summon your strength. A good friend never gets in your way... Unless you’re on your way down. A good friend walks in when others walk out. “A good friend is one whom you can dream out loud.” “A good friend is one who understands my past, believes in my future and accepts me today just they way I am.” Remember: we are in the People Business! How’s your business going? BILL WHITTLE TRAINING MATERIAL BILL WHITTLE TRAINING MATERIAL
The 10 Most Significant Common Characteristics of People By Dr. Phil
The 10 Most Significant Common Characteristics of People The number one fear among all people is rejection. The number one need among all people is acceptance. To manage people effectively, you must do it in a way that protects or enhances their self-esteem. Everybody- and I mean everybody- approaches every situation with at least some concern about “what’s in it for me?”
The 10 Most Significant Common Characteristics of People Everybody- and I mean everybody- prefers to talk about things that are important to them personally. People hear and incorporate only what they understand. People like, trust, and believe those who like them. People often do things for other than the apparent reasons.
The 10 Most Significant Common Characteristics of People Even people of quality can be, and often are, petty and small. Everybody- and I mean everybody- wears a social mask. You must look beyond the mask to see the person.