DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry


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Presentation transcript:

DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry 31.05.2019 The EU and its role in reducing marine litter Leo de Vrees European Commission DG Environment Marine and Water Industry Unit

The Marine Directive (2008) EU’s legal instrument for the protection of our seas Protected: Overall objective of the Directive to achieve or maintain Good Environmental Status (GES) of the EU's marine waters by 2020 Sustainable: Ecosystem-based and integrated approach to the management of all human activities which have an impact on the marine environment. Overarching Goal: Achieve Good Environmental Status of EU’s Marine Waters by 2020 Protected Ecosystems   Clean, healthy, productive seas Sustainable Uses of Europe’s marine resources Common Approaches Cooperation at the EU and regional level Common: Regional approach to implementation, and establishment of European Marine Regions

Implementation Steps GES 2020 Main elements of a Marine Strategy: Initial assessment of current environmental status of MS waters by 15 July 2012 Determination of GES by 15 July 2012 Establishment of environmental targets and associated indicators by 15 July 2012 Establishment of a monitoring programme for ongoing assessment and regular updating of targets by 15 July 2014 Development of a programme of measures designed to achieve or maintain GES by 2015 Main elements of a Marine Strategy: Initial assessment, objectives, targets & indicators 2012 (+ 6 years) Monitoring Programmes 2014 Programmes of Measures 2015 Implementation of the marine strategy 2016 Six year review of the different elements of the strategy 2018 – 2021 GES 2020

GES: Common principles, tailored indicators Illustration with Descriptor 10 on Marine Litter Descriptor 10 – Marine litter does not cause harm to the coastal and marine environment Characteristics of litter in the marine and coastal environment Impacts of litter on marine life Indicators: Trends in amount of litter washed ashore and/or deposited on coastlines Trends in amount of litter in water column and deposited on sea-floor Trends in amount, distribution and where possible, composition of micro-particles Trends in amount and composition of litter ingested by marine animals Targets (examples): X% of overall reduction in the volume of litter on coastlines from 2010 levels by 2020. Less than 10% of northern fulmars (sea bird) having more than 0.1 g plastic particles in their stomach GES Descriptors high level, generic across Europe GES Criteria will be based on characteristics which define what GES means in each Member State GES: Indicators & Targets provide the final level of details. If the targets are met, GES should be achieved

Policy context: Legislation and policies related to impacts Integrated Maritime Policy: Surveillance; MSP; Knowledge; Fishing litter; Lost Fishing Gear Marine Strategy Framework Directive Determine GES art 12 assessment Setting targets 7th EAP, RIO+20 Monitoring TSG Litter Measures Pilot studies Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Policy context: Legislation and policies related to impacts (2) DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry 31.05.2019 Policy context: Legislation and policies related to impacts (2) Water Management Bathing Water Directive: visual inspection for pollution and if needed, adequate management measures must be taken Water Framework Directive: impact on water quality/biological impacts. Possible areas of work: Monitoring sources: waste water treatment plants, (illegal/non-managed) landfills, recreation zones, cities, drainage systems Impacts: Physical and chemical Awareness raising: water managers and inhabitants Links with source control legislation

What is there in the WFD that can help? Good status = good chemical and good ecological status of surface and groundwaters For surface waters good chemical status means meeting the environmental quality standards for the 33 priority substances and eight "other pollutants" (12 mile in sea) good ecological status refers to good structure and functioning of the aquatic ecosystem, assessed on the basis of "quality elements" - biological, physico-chemical, hydromorphological (1 mile in sea) No direct reference to "litter"

How meeting WFD good chemical status can help (1) Article 16 WFD requires measures against pollution of water by individual or groups of pollutants presenting a significant risk to or via the aquatic environment Measures shall be aimed at the progressive reduction of priority substances (PS) and the cessation or phasing out of discharges, emissions and losses of priority hazardous substances (PHS) (PBTs and substances of equivalent concern) Selection of substances is based on risk assessment (exposure and hazard) Article 8 WFD requires monitoring of the priority substances and eight "other pollutants"

How meeting WFD good chemical status can help (2) DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry 31.05.2019 How meeting WFD good chemical status can help (2) Leaching of substances from (plastic) litter is relevant (e.g. plasticizing DEHP is a priority substance) REACH Article 61 refers to review of substance authorisations in relevant river basins if WFD environmental objectives are not being met Therefore if WFD chemical monitoring shows that priority substances or the other pollutants are an issue, e.g. through leaching, action could be taken under REACH Some priority substances (those that bioaccumulate) are already monitored in biota. This is likely to increase and could provide scope for increased monitoring of the presence of microplastics in biota DEHP The plasticizing agent Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is

How meeting WFD good ecological status can help (3) Physico-chemical quality elements include river basin specific pollutants, i.e .pollutants discharged into water bodies in significant quantities. Member States must set and meet standards for the relevant substances Physico-chemical quality elements also include (for lakes, transitional and coastal waters) "transparency", which could potentially be affected by (plastic) litter Hydromorphological elements include the structure and substrate of the river/lake/water-body bed, which could also be influenced by litter Article 8 WFD requires monitoring of ecological status.

DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry 31.05.2019 http://ec.europa.eu/environment/marine Thank you for your attention!