Warm Up # 1 (Day 1) What events and conditions led to the beginnings of the Cold War?
Who started the Cold War ? Workbook pg. 11 Class Docs pg. 42
Essential Question Who is primarily responsible for the Cold War?
The Iron Contain Speech (5min) Read Document with your partner, switch each paragraph Answers the following questions Complete Sentences Complete Thoughts
The Truman Doctrine (7min) Read Document B with your partner, switch each paragraph Answers the following questions Complete Sentences Complete Thoughts
Hypothesis A Who was primarily responsible for the Cold War - the United States or the Soviet Union? 1. Answer question The (US or USSR) was mostly responsible for the Cold War. 2. Give 2 reasons why
Warm Up # 2 (Day 2) What is the major conflict that the Cold War is being fought over? Why will neither side give in?
Soviet Ambassador Telegram (7min) Read Document C with your partner, switch each paragraph Answers the following questions Complete Sentences Complete Thoughts
Henry Wallace Letter (7 min) Read Document D with your partner, switch each paragraph Answers the following questions Complete Sentences Complete Thoughts
Hypothesis B Who was primarily responsible for the Cold War - the United States or the Soviet Union? 1. Answer question The (US or USSR) was mostly responsible for the Cold War. 2. Give 2 reasons why
Crash Course World History