Some changes for September !
The Changes An early finish every Wednesday A two week timetable
Change 1 : The structure of the school week On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Mentor time / assembly starts at 8.35 (same as now) – if you arrive after 8.40 you will be LATE 2 * 55 minute lessons then BREAK 2* 55 minute lessons then LUNCH 2 * lessons (1*55 min, 1*50 min) then PM MENTOR Mentor time will be from 3.10 to 3.20 (Formal end of school day is 3.25) PERIOD 7 will run as normal from 3.20 to 4.00
Change 1 : The structure of the school week On Wednesday Mentor / assembly starts at 8.35 (same as now) – if you arrive after 8.40 you will be LATE 3 * 45 minute lessons then BREAK (hot food available) 2* 45 minute lessons then LUNCH (optional) 12.50 –you can GO HOME Or stay until 1.30 (end of lunch) Or stay and work in a supervised ICT room until 3.00
What happens on a Wednesday Lesson 5 ends at 12.50 after this you can go home OR You can opt to eat at school and stay until 1.30 OR You can stay in school, supervised, until 3.00 If you stay in school you will go to a year group space (ICT space) where you can study, do homework, revise, get help – what a good idea !! Your parents will sign for one of these options – you MUST stick to it unless we hear otherwise from your parent. Parents can contact the school (via attendance line) if a change is needed for a certain week.
What does this mean for students ? Slightly less mentor time each week Slightly more time in lesson (to help you get better grades) Be in school ON TIME - after 8.40 means LATE You can go home at 12.50 on Wednesday You do not lose out on “after school clubs / activities” Certain year groups will get more time to help prepare for GCSE / A levels. Extra support and interventions will be available on certain Wednesday afternoons throughout the year
What does this mean for Parents ? Ensure your child is at school between 8.30 and 8.35 (no change) (BUT late after 8.40) Your child CAN leave school at 12.50 on a Wednesday Your child will receive MORE teacher led lesson time (25 minutes per week) You will be asked to tell us what time your child will leave on a Wednesday afternoon, further information to follow
Why are we doing it (1) To enable us to give a better Quality of Education to every child who attends HBHS Increase lesson planning time resulting in your child receiving HIGHER quality lessons. To have increased training time to enable staff to perform at the very highest level To enable us to expand our work with other schools
Why are we doing it (2) Certain year groups will get more time on some Wednesdays to help them prepare for GCSE / A levels. To enable extra support and interventions to run on Wednesday afternoons To enable us to run parent consultations, open evenings, school events on Wednesday afternoons and evenings (minimising disruption) To enable students to have more taught lesson time
Change 2 : Your Timetable
There will be a 2 week Timetable This means student timetables will run over a TWO week period NOT ONE week as it does now. Weeks will be referred to as WEEK A and WEEK B Monday WEEK A timetable will not be the same as Monday WEEK B Tuesday WEEK A timetable will not be the same as Tuesday WEEK B and so on
WHY are we doing this To continue to offer a better quality of education and a very broad and wide curriculum to every child. Less chance of split classes Better use of part time staff To re-introduce curriculum areas that are important to whole child development (PSHE in all years from Sept) To increase time for PE (impact on childhood wellbeing) To balance the needs of Dance / Drama and Sport To maintain regularity of contact in all core subjects To enable most subjects to have MORE curriculum time
What does it mean for a Parent When helping students with work or packing their bag you need to check which week it is Ensure your child has the right equipment (including Sports / Dance kit) for the correct day / week Your child will receive a better balance of subjects and education