Treasury Community of Practice Workshop MINISTRY OF FINANCE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Measuring and Monitoring Treasury Performance in the Republic of Moldova Treasury Community of Practice Workshop Tirana, Albania, 21-23 May, 2018
Strategic/operating documents containing key performance indicators (КРI) MINISTRY OF FINANCE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Public Finance Management Mid-term Program (2018-2020) Fiscal Policy Subprogram КPI Category KPI for Treasury Value at year-end As of 31.12.2017 Outcome KPI Share of maintained Central Government’s total cash shortage quarterly limit 100% 27,5% Share of NPB (National Public Budget) funds in TSA of the MoF 70% 98,2% Output KPI Number of orders for development and introduction of regulations on cash execution,accounting and reporting of the national public budget through the MoF’s Treasury system 11 14 Number of developed real-time forecasts 325 315 Annual NPB execution report 1 Performance KPI Share of budget execution reports timely submitted by institutions 92,5%
Strategic/operating documents containing key performance indicators (КРI) MINISTRY OF FINANCE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Программа “Управление публичными финансами в среднесрочной перспективе (2018-2020 г.)” Подпрограмма “Исполнение и отчетность национального публичного бюджета” КPI Category KPI for Treasury Value at year-end As of 31.12.2017 Outcome KPI National budget revenue execution 100% 100,5% National budget expenditure execution 97% 93,9% Revenue execution in local budgets 99,2% Expenditure execution in local budgets 95% 89% Output KPI Number of registered contracts 192,740 243,346 Number of processed bank statements 94,965 280,168 Number of authorized payment documents 2,664,350 1,637,330 Performance KPI Average number of daily documentation processing operations per one regional treasury employee 45 665
National Debt Management Mid-term Program (2018-2020) Strategic/operating documents containing key performance indicators (КРI) MINISTRY OF FINANCE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA National Debt Management Mid-term Program (2018-2020) Main goal - обеспечение финансовых потребностей государственного бюджета на приемлемом уровне расходов в среднесрочном и долгосрочном периоде в условиях ограничения сопутствующих рисков. Risk Parameters for 2018-2020 Value at year-end As of 31.12.2017 Public Debt payable within one year (% of total) ≤25% 20.6% Internal public debt (%of total) ≥25% 43.7% Public debt defined in specific foreign currency (% of total) ≤50% 27.1% Public debt at variable rate (% of total) ≤40% 30.2% Stability Parameters for 2018-2020 Servicing public debt (% to public budget revenues – grants) ≤15% 5.9%
Debt Management Performance Assessment Methodology Practices and tools used for performance measuring and monitoring MINISTRY OF FINANCE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Debt Management Performance Assessment Methodology DeMPA - is a public debt management performance assessment methodology applying a comprehensive set of indicators covering the entire range of public debt management functions. 14 indicators of debt performance together with assessment methodology Identify strengths work out instructions and weaknesses improve processes tool
PI22- “Expenditure Arrears” PEFA PI22 self-assessment results MINISTRY OF FINANCE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA PI22- “Expenditure Arrears” Component 22.1 Expenditure arrears, mln. Leu Budget level Indicators 2015 2016 2017 Score National Budget Expenditures 23,750.4 24,784.5 26,945.1 Other arrears 657.7 13.6 2.6 National social insurance budget 13,490.2 14,964.7 17,614.5 - Mandatory health insurance funds 5132 5,673.5 6,260.8 Central Government’s Budget Total expenditures 42372.6 45,422.7 50,820.4 Total other arrears Value 1.6% 0.03% 0.01% А
PEFA PI22 self-assessment results MINISTRY OF FINANCE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA PI22- “Expenditure Arrears” Component 22.2 Expenditure Arrears Monitoring Accounting – in each type of arrears, based on the source document showing the dates of incurring and redemption. Monthly report on the status of arrears: - The report is entered by budget institutions into the MoF information system monthly within 10 days of the month following the reporting period. - Treasury ensures that reports are accepted and summarized until the 15th day of each month. Sectoral financial directorates analyze the information and submit specific proposals to MoF management on how to reduce the arrears in controlled sectors, until the 18th day of each month. SELF-ASSESSMENT Component 22.2 Expenditure arrears monitoring - А PEFA PI22- Expenditure Arrears - А