Title of your project Team members Well, there are more students than I was expecting, as this is not a machine learning, or deeping learning course. For those of you who were not able to enroll, don’t worry. What I heard is that many of you will drop after this class after I disappoint you.
Problem Statement Recap Describe the problem you want to solve I know you presented it in the proposal, but Many of your changed your project Many of you didn’t have a clear statement Start from the TA 1
Basic Idea Recap Describe your idea in one minute Elevator pitch What is the technical insight? Why you can do better than others? You understand the problem deeper than others. This turns out the most common case. You know some techniques others do not know. You have good advisors and you bet on them. You are smarter than other people. Start from the TA 3
What have you done after your proposal? Read related work Prepare motivating examples Build prototype Collect datasets Start from the TA 2
Motivating Example #1 If you can’t even show me one real-world example (which basically means you failed to find it), I don’t believe your project. Start from the TA 4
Motivating Example #2 If you can’t show me a second real-world example, I have very low confidence in your project. Start from the TA 4
Prototype You can’t build everything from scratch. What are the tools/frameworks/systems you want to build your stuff upon? What have you built? If you have nothing at the moment, why you are confident that you will have something in the end of the semester? Start from the TA 5
Preliminary Results If you have a prototype What are your preliminary results? Start from the TA 5