Many of the diseases associated with high coevolution scores share genetic components. Many of the diseases associated with high coevolution scores share.


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Many of the diseases associated with high coevolution scores share genetic components. Many of the diseases associated with high coevolution scores share genetic components. Significant HPOs (q‐value<0.05) with <100 genes are present as nodes. The color code scale represents the Co10 significance score from gray (q‐value=0.05) to cherry (P‐value <10−6). The size of the HPO reflects the fraction of coevolved genes out of the all the genes in the HPO (i.e., the genes that contribute to the Co10 score). Two HPOs are connected by edge if they share two or more coevolved genes (see Supplementary Table S4), such that the number of the shared genes reflected in the edge width and color, with more genes are represented by a thicker and darker line. Yuval Tabach et al. Mol Syst Biol 2013;9:692 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend