Meeting the challenge Every Classroom Every Student Every Day Webster Public Schools September 16, 2011 Meeting the challenge Every Classroom Every Student Every Day
AYP in every subject, at every grade level, and for every subgroup. Goal for 2010-2011 AYP in every subject, at every grade level, and for every subgroup.
Adequate Yearly Progress What is AYP? Adequate Yearly Progress
MCAS Participation Rate How AYP is Calculated: A + (B or C) + D = Affirmative AYP Determination A MCAS Participation Rate 95% or grater participation rate in MCAS and MCAS-Alt tests B MCAS Performance 95.1 or greater Composite Performance Index (CPI) in ELA; 92.2 or greater CPI in mathematics C MCAS Improvement Meet or exceed 2011 improvement target (specific to schools, districts, and student groups) or by reducing the percentage of non-proficient students by 10% from 2010 to 2011 (“Safe harbor”) D Additional Indicator For schools serving grades 1-11, attendance rate; for schools ending in grade 12, cohort graduation rate + + OR 4
2011 MCAS Results Due to be released next week Headline Slow, Steady Progress in Most Grades Some Real Progress in Some Grades
AYP Results Areas for possible AYP Aggregate 3 schools X 2 subjects = 6 Made AYP in 4 Subgroups 3 schools X 2 subjects = 6 Made AYP in 1
But AYP is becoming ever harder to reach, so…CPI Results In 14 tests given in ELA and Math CPI Improvement in 9
Percentage of Students Scoring Advanced or Proficient For the 17 tests given last spring, the percentage of students scoring Advance or Proficient increased in 13 On 3 of those test, the increase was more than 10 percentage points E.g. From 34% scoring A or P up to 46%
Student Growth Percentile Measures growth of student in a year compared to a similar cohort based on testing history Below 40 is slow 40-60 is “normal” Above 60 is fast
Student Growth Percentiles Of the 14 test for which a SGP could be calculated Slow growth in 5 Normal Growth in 4 Fast Growth in 5
We are doing the right things… Last year, we said We are doing the right things… Not often enough Not widespread enough
Best Practices 90 90 90 Schools A focus on academic achievement • Clear curriculum choices • Frequent assessment of student progress and multiple opportunities for improvement • An emphasis on nonfiction writing • Collaborative scoring of student work
This year - A tentative summary We have figured our what to do Implementation is starting to show real, measurable improvement Implementation is still uneven Headwinds at the many of the same grades as in past years We have a plan to spread best practices to every classroom We have more to do to reach every student
Plan to Spread Best Practices Professional Pride MCAS NCLB Curriculum Mapping Common Planning RTTT ESW Best Practices In Every Classroom Every Day ISGs Inst Coaches Data Analysis Unit Design Common Assessments Common Core Educator Evaluation School Choice
What teachers do in the classroom, day to day and minute to minute What Matters Most What teachers do in the classroom, day to day and minute to minute Jon Saphier
What’s new? The end of “private practice” The continuation of public accountability The beginning of professional accountability The challenges and rewards of working closely with others
We’ve got our work cut out for us and we know what to do EVERY CLASSROOM EVERY STUDENT EVERY DAY
And so… Next week, MCAS results will show real, measurable progress Not yet fast enough Not yet in every classroom Not yet reaching subgroups We are on the right track We need all hands on deck Let’s get to work… Dr. Kelley has some details and the outline for the rest of the day