2007 - 2012 IMPACT Planning Overview of the Updated Plan and Components April 2, 2007 Elluminate Conference
Resources for this Session www.sun-associates.com/alsde/impact Open this page in a browser window Content questions during the session? Use the Elluminate direct message function to message Jeanne Clark Technical questions during the session? Direct message Jerome Browning We will be in this PowerPoint or a browser throughout the conference Please set Elluminate to “Scale to fit” (Tools/Application Sharing)
Objectives for this Session Overview the new IMPACT plan Overview local system planning process and tools New local template New statewide technology survey Additional training and resources available for local planning
IMPACT Plan Updates New terminology Former 6 objectives are now 4 goals Goals - Objectives - Actions This is the basic structure Indicators are now set locally More freedom to create meaningful objectives - and ways to evaluate progress - as the local system level IMPACT is the state’s plan…it only provides the structure (not content) for local plans
Download from www.sun-associates.com/alsde/impact
Local Interpretation See the Assist Guide for more help Systems should write their own vision Systems can and should write their own local interpretation of each of the 4 goals Each system plan needs 4 goals that are based on the IMPACT goals Goal 1 - Technology integration and mastery of standards Goal 2 - Expanding opportunities for learning through technology Goal 3 - Technology professional development Goal 4 - Technology infrastructure
The Planning Process A technology planning committee of district stakeholders, led by the DTC The system plan should be a result of this committee’s work The committee should at minimum develop and/or review Vision Goals Ideal Performance Statements
Planning Highlights System plans are structurally, not literally, based on IMPACT The IMPACT document is the state plan System plans are similar to IMPACT, but are about what you will do locally Locally-created vision Locally interpreted goals Locally-created performance statements and data collection plans A minimum of 3 objectives per goal Choose from IMPACT or create your own Action plans for achieving objectives Actions are developed locally
The System Technology Plan Template Go to “System Technology Plan Template” on www.sun-associates.com/alsde/impact Remember, this will be directly accessible from the ALSDE site when you go to complete it “for real”
The Template
Template Highlights All local plans are submitted via the Template by 8/15/07 Jerome supports the Template Committee work should occur before the plan is transferred into the Template That is, enter data into the Template from your notes that have been developed via committee work Files can be attached to Template items
State-Wide Survey Go to “State-wide Technology Survey” on www.sun-associates.com/alsde/impact Remember, this will be directly accessible from the ALSDE site when you go to complete it “for real”
The State-Wide Survey
Survey Highlights Available now on the ALSDE site Jerome supports the survey Goal is that every teacher and administrator takes the survey (appropriate instrument) Data is used in aggregate by the state Reports are immediately available for system and school use (DTC login and from the Template) The survey is not your plan’s evaluation…but it can provide a significant source of data to be used within your evaluation
Evaluation Evaluation is at the level of goals The Ideal Performance Statements describe what it looks like to achieve your plan’s goals One Ideal Performance Statement per goal Ideal Performance looks different in each system Your system’s achievement may have much to do with meeting particular IMPACT objectives (if you chose from the existing list). Or… It may hinge upon entirely unique locally-derived objectives and their measures This is why ALSDE cannot prescribe exactly what data is appropriate for you to collect The statewide survey data is primarily for the state to determine if it is meeting its objectives
The Pioneer Process Designed to support data-driven decision-making This is the full expression of the “right side” of that diagram Systems (5 in the past year) develop detailed performance indicators Develop a range of detailed data collection instruments related to those indicators Create reports - with evaluation findings and recommendations - as a result of the evaluation process This type of evaluation provides input on new, updated, objectives and action plans each year
More assistance on developing indicators and data collection plans on 5/14/07 We are looking for 12 additional systems to become Pioneers! These Pioneers will receive additional technical support and training in developing in-depth technology evaluations Come to the 5/14/07 meeting and plan on an extra AETC day if you are interested (and contact Hannis)
Additional Assistance Assist Guide 5/14/07 Meeting Become a Pioneer district! AETC Sessions Conference sessions on 6/14 New Pioneer training on 6/15
Email/Phone hroberts@alsde.edu jsun@sun-associates.com jclark@sun-associates.com jbrowning@alsde.edu