The blood vessels with thicker walls, no valves
Most abundant plasma protein
Clotting of the blood
Blood vessels that are tiny and deliver to the tissues
Hormone responsible for red blood cell production
Process that helps dissolve a clot after vessel has healed
All of these types of cells have a nucleus
These valves prevent backflow into the atria?
These blood vessels have valves to prevent backflow
These are the most numerous of the formed elements in blood?
Leukocytes that are most numerous and phagocytic
Muscles that prevent AV valve prolapse?
During _______ systole the aortic valve is open
Number 6
What is B, a cell fragment involved in clotting
What valve is M showing?
Which part represents repolarization of the ventricles?
120/80 what is 80?
What does this EKG show?
What is this?
What is 1?
Answers Arteries 11. neutrophils 22. brachiocephalic Albumin 12. papillary 3. Coagulation 13. ventricular 4. Capillaries 14. right atrium 5. Erythropoetin 15. platelets 6. Fibrinolysis 16. mitral or bicuspid 7. Leukocytes 18. P 8. Atrioventricular 19. diastolic 9. Veins 20. bradycardia 10. Erythrocytes 21. aneurysm