Matt Miser Jonathan Henson Rickey Parker II The Egg Strainer Matt Miser Jonathan Henson Rickey Parker II
Summary Consists of 3 multiple transitions, that conclude with the straining of an egg Exhibits multiple transfers of Energy 3 transitions include a Shooter, Rotating “T”, and an Egg Drop
Shooter General Design Overview How It Operates? Exhibits ELASTIC POTENTIAL ENERGY
Rotating “T” General Design Overview How It Operates? Exhibits CONSERVATION OF ENERGY
Egg Drop General Design Overview How It Works? Exhibits GRAVITATIONAL POTENTIAL ENERGY KINETIC ENERGY
Total Costs Dowell Rod $2.35 Quarter Sheet Plywood $6.00 PVC Pipe and Caps $8.00 String $2.00 Eggs $1.00 ______________________________ Total Amount Spent $19.35