Augmented Emergency Response Technion CGGC & GIP
Mission Statement To share information between a control center and a unit in the field. The server can serve multiple HoloLens's, having the C&C able to communicate with each separately or all at once. Give the C&C the ability to input information into the scene of the unit. Allow the unit to communicate with the C&C using voice or menu items. Allow the HoloLens the ability to send images back to the C&C.
Goals and Objectives Synchronize data between HoloLens’s and computer acting as control center Send images from HoloLens to computer Send text from control center to HoloLens Allow control center to input objects into the HoloLens scene. Allow control center to open a stream to specific HoloLens
Encountered Problems Hardware constraints Version updates Slow image taking on HoloLens Slow CPU and networking capabilities compared to project requirements Version updates Unity had over 10 updates since the beginning of the semester Each update effected functionality of the HoloLens, with different code and API’s The holotoolkit was also updated accordingly Windows and Visual Studio updates broke the project Issues with anchoring Limited resources (Less resources available for HoloLens than older technology i.e. Oculus or Vive) Other projects working on the HoloLens required coordiantion Slow work with the HoloLens, every small change required a new build and deploy