Advanced Electric Drive Vehicle Education Program Educating America on Next Generation Vehicles
National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium To improve air quality and decrease U.S. dependence on foreign oil by promoting, supporting, and expanding the use of advanced technology vehicles and alternative fuel vehicles. Program of West Virginia University, headquartered in Morgantown, WV Founded in 1992 Only nationwide curricula development and training organization that focuses on alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles Mission Statement
Develop curricula Conduct training Conduct outreach and education activities Program Management What we do at the NAFTC
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicle Education Program Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and ARRA Transportation Electrification Funding Total project funding: $8.6 million
Program Highlights Electric Drive Vehicle Curricula – First Responder Safety Training – Automotive Technician Training – Career & Technical Education Training – Infrastructure Training Training – 98 training courses conducted – More than 20,000 students trained Outreach and education – National AFV Day Odyssey 2010 and 2012 – Website, AED Toolkit, and media and outreach activities
AED Vehicle Education Program Curriculum Development First Responder Safety Training Develop curricula and train first responders how to safely respond to accidents involving electric drive vehicles Instructor manual, participant workbooks, and supplementary training materials for 8-hour First Responder Safety Training workshop (BEV, HEV, PHEV and FCEV) First Responder Safety Training videos First Responder Safety Train-the-Trainer workshop (BEVs, HEVs, PHEVs, and FCEVs) for NTC instructors
First Responder Safety Training Materials Quick Reference Guide Phone app Online course Animations Training videos
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Design, develop, and disseminate marketing and outreach materials to provide consumer education on BEVs, HEVs, PHEVs, and FCEVs CTE Electric Drive Vehicle Curriculum CTE training videos Two professional development courses for CTE instructors in SC and WV 10 pilot workshops in SC and WV
Career and Technical Education Training Materials Animations Training videos
Electric Drive Vehicle Infrastructure Design, develop and disseminate a curriculum for installers of electric drive vehicle charging stations and equipment Instructor manual, participant workbooks, and supplementary training materials Electric Drive Vehicle Infrastructure Technician and Service Personnel workshop Electric Drive Vehicle Infrastructure Technician and Service Personnel Train- the-Trainer course Electric Vehicle Infrastructure training video
Electric Drive Vehicle Infrastructure Supplemental Training Materials Animations Training videos
Electric Drive Vehicle Technician Design, develop, and disseminate a curriculum for pre- and in-service automotive technicians to diagnose, repair, and maintain electric drive vehicles Instructor manual, participant workbooks, and supplementary training materials Electric Drive Vehicle curriculum for postsecondary schools Train-the- Trainer course for the Electric Drive Vehicle curriculum HEVTE Cutaway Trainer and Online Simulation Electric Drive Vehicle Technician training video Unique to NAFTC
Electric Drive Vehicle Technician Training Aids Cutaway – HEVTE (Hybrid Electric Vehicle Training Educator) with Online Simulation
Online Course
Outreach and Education National Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Day Odyssey is a biennial event dedicated to promoting cleaner choices in transportation.
Outreach and Education 2010 Odyssey Statistics 105 traditional sites 26 high school sites More than 230,000 attendees More than 98 million reached through media exposure 2012 Odyssey Goals 100+ traditional sites 50+ high school sites More than 230,000 attendees More than 100 million reached
AED Vehicle Education Program Summary – 98 Training courses to be conducted – More than 20,000 students trained in advanced electric drive technical skills – Required critical skills will be provided – Students will be more employable and marketable over traditional graduates – Training will continue to be offered throughout country after project completion (with potential reach of more than 100,000 individuals) – More than 216 million individuals reached through media/outreach
Contact Information National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium Ridgeview Business Park 1100 Frederick Lane Morgantown, WV Phone: