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Presentation transcript:


Bone Projections Process: raised area Olecranon process (ulna) Coronoid process (ulna) Styloid process (radius)

Bone Projections Tuberosity: large rounded or roughened projection Deltoid tuberosity (humerus) Radial tuberosity (radius) Tibial tuberosity (tibia)

Bone Projections Crest: Narrow ridge of bone Anterior crest of tibia

Bone Projections Trochanter: very large, blunt projection Greater and lesser trochanter of the femur

Bone Projections Line Ex: temporal line on parietal bone A long, thin projection, often with a rough surface Ex: temporal line on parietal bone

Bone Projections Tubercle: Small rounded projection Greater and lesser tubercle of the humerus

Bone Projections Epicondyle Ex: distal end of femur Bump near a condyle – “bump on a bump” For muscle attachment Ex: distal end of femur

Bone Projections Spine Ex: Spinous process of vertebrae Raised higher than a crest A sharp, pointed, slender projection Attaches connective tissues Ex: Spinous process of vertebrae

Joint Projections Head: bony expansion on a narrow neck Humerus Ulna Radius Femur fibula

Joint Projections Facet Ex: surface of vertebrae A smooth, flat surface. Ex: surface of vertebrae

Joint Projections Condyle: Rounded articular projection Medial and lateral condyles (femur and tibia)

Joint Projections Ramus Curved portion of a bone Ex: mandible

Depressions/Cavities Meatus A tube-like opening or channel extending within a bone Ex: external acoustic meatus

Depressions/Cavities Sinus Cavity within a bone Ex: Maxillary sinuses

Depressions/Cavities Fossa A shallow depression Ex: mandibular fossa, supraspinous fossa on scapula

Depressions/Cavities Groove A narrow, elongated depression Ex: grooves on mandible

Depressions/Cavities Fissure Long, crack-like hole for blood vessels and nerves Ex: superior orbital fissure

Depressions/Cavities Foramen Round hole through which blood vessels, nerves, or ligaments pass Ex: Foramen magnum

Glenoid Glenoid Ex: Glenoid cavity of scapula Shallow, articular surface Ex: Glenoid cavity of scapula

Trochlea Trochlea: structure resembling or acting like a pulley Trochlea (humerus) Trochlear Notch (ulna)

Quiz Monday Humerus Head Greater tubercle Lesser tubercle Deltoid tuberosity Capitulum Trochlea Ulna Trochlear Notch Olecranon Process Coronoid Process Radius Radial Tuberosity Styloid Process Femur Head Neck Greater Trochanter Lesser Trochanter Lateral Condyle Tibia Medial Condyle Tibial Tuberosity Anterior Crest Intercondylar Eminence Medial Malleolus Fibula Lateral Malleolus