Senior English 11/27/17 What is the difference between the way the Party prisoners behave and are treated and common prisoners? What kind of ant is good.


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Presentation transcript:

Senior English 11/27/17 What is the difference between the way the Party prisoners behave and are treated and common prisoners? What kind of ant is good at math? Podsnappery – self-satisfied crude behavior. Goals – Show me part 3 questions. Discussion of Part three of 1984. Homework – Find two poems on POL website – that you can connect to personal experience - and print them out. Don’t forget to study for quiz 10 Friday. an accountant

Senior English 11/28/17 Do number 8 from the Part 3, chapter II questions. Expand it to 14 lines. ` What do you call an ant that skips school? Quisquillous- made of rubbish. Goals – Discuss part three questions. Homework – Are you looking a poems yet? Don’t forget to study for quiz 10 Friday. Truant.

Senior English 11/29/17 Listen to and mark “The Laughing Heart.” Then respond on your opener. Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy? I don't know and I don't care. – William Safire. Silurian – terribly old. Part of the paleozoic era. Goals – Poem approvals. Poetic language exploration. Discuss reasons and purposes for memorizing and reciting poetry. Poem approvals. Map the tone of your poem. Learn memorization technique and take notes. Homework – Print two poems and analyze them for approval tomorrow. Write out your poem on your daily work sheet. Try to get your entire poem memorized. Don’t forget to study for quiz 10. Tunee fish.

Senior English 11/30/17 Listen to and mark “The Poison Tree.” Then respond on your opener. Did you hear about the Italian chef that died? Urbacity – excessive or foolish pride in one’s city. Goals – Poem approvals. Analyze the tone of your first poem. Begin work on memorization and recitation. Homework - Write out your first poem – at least once - on your daily work sheet. Try to write each line from memory. . Don’t forget to study for vocabulary quiz #10 tomorrow!. He pasta way.

Five minutes to study for vocab. Quiz 10. What is a polygon? Senior English 12/1/17 Five minutes to study for vocab. Quiz 10. What is a polygon? Withy – flexible and tough. Goals – Successfully complete vocab 10. Practice reciting your first poem. Homework – Practice saying your first poem from memory. Be prepared to recite for me in class on Monday. A dead parrot.