Respond to poetry video. What kind of ant is good at math?


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Presentation transcript:

Respond to poetry video. What kind of ant is good at math? Senior English 11/26/18 Respond to poetry video. What kind of ant is good at math? Podsnappery – self-satisfied crude behavior. Goals – Discuss POL unit. Homework – Find four poems on POL website that you can connect to personal experience. Print them! Don’t forget to study for quiz 11 Friday. an accountant

Senior English 11/27/18 Watch “I am Waiting” and respond? Is there anything from the poem that you are waiting for? What do you call an ant that skips school? Quisquillous- made of rubbish. Goals – Evaluate my progress on “One Art.” Look at packets for POL. Listen to Rondeau and look for tone shifts. Homework – Print two poems by tomorrow for points.Don’t forget to study for quiz 11 Friday. Truant.

Senior English 11/28/18 Listen to and mark “The Laughing Heart.” Then respond on your opener. Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy? I don't know and I don't care. – William Safire. Silurian – terribly old. Part of the paleozoic era. Goals – Poem approvals. Map the tone and analyze your poem. Homework – Print two poems and analyze them for approval tomorrow. Write out your poem on your daily work sheet. Don’t forget to study for quiz 11. Tunee fish.

Senior English 11/29/18 Listen to and mark “The Poison Tree.” Then respond on your opener. Did you hear about the Italian chef that died? Urbacity – excessive or foolish pride in one’s city. Goals – Poem approvals. Analyze the tone of your first poem. Begin work on memorization and recitation. Homework - Write out your first poem – at least once - on your daily work sheet. Try to write each line from memory. Don’t forget to study for vocabulary quiz #11 tomorrow!. He pasta way.

Senior English 11/30/18 Five minutes to study for vocab. Quiz 11. What is a polygon? Withy – flexible and tough. Goals – Successfully complete vocab 11. Practice reciting your first poem. Poem approval. Homework – Practice saying your first poem from memory. Write your first poem at least once on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. A dead parrot.