NFV adhoc Shitao li.


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Presentation transcript:

NFV adhoc Shitao li

Main progress Latest draft: tosca-nfv-v1.0-wd04-rev06 https://www.oasis- Main content Main content: Under discussion Partially done Done Done Done Under discussion Partially done Done Done Under discussion Proposal needed By using TOSCA Group Proposal needed

VDU.compute swImageDesc With different design purpose, TOSCA composition can be introduced to define multiple hierarchies inside the VNFD. swImageDesc

Important design convertions

VDU.compute definition

tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU.VirtualStorage This solution aligns with VNFD info model as defined in IFA011, but there are problems of misalignment with TOSCA existing features


VNFD metadata Keyname Required Type Description vnfProvider yes string Provider of the VNF and of the VNFD. vnfProductName Name to identify the VNF Product. Invariant for the VNF Product lifetime. vnfSoftwareVersion Software version of the VNF. This is changed when there is any change to the software that is included in the VNF Package. vnfdVersion Identifies the version of the VNFD. Edtor’s : further discussion is needed vnfProductInfoName no Human readable name for the VNF Product. Can change during the VNF Product lifetime. vnfProductInfoDescription Human readable description of the VNF Product. Can change during the VNF Product lifetime. localizationLanguage List of TBD Information about localization languages of the VNF (includes e.g. strings in the VNFD). defaultLocalizationLanguage TBD Default localization language that is instantiated if no information about selected localization language is available. Shall be present if "localizationLanguage" is present and shall be absent otherwise. For those attributes which are not used in operation, e.g., identifying VNFD, can be set as metadata in VNFD.

TOSCA in 2017 statement for NFV&SDN adhoc Candidate text: The NFV and SDN ad hoc workgroup has been directed by the TOSCA TC to develop a candidate TOSCA Simple Profile for NFV to align with the ETSI NFV standard and the open source communities implementing ETSI NFV. This work will primarily involve, but is not necessarily limited to designing the NFV descriptors based on TOSCA. The work will also include defining a TOSCA model for VNF descriptors and NS descriptors. The NFV ad hoc workgroup will coordinate with other TOSCA TC ad hoc workgroups, e.g., the YAML ad hoc workgroup, in order to help assure that future releases of the TOSCA Simple Profile for YAML will be able to meet the requirements of the TOSCA Simple Profile for NFV. 2019/6/4

Suggestion for publishing CSD03(tosca-nfv-profile) document Suggested Title change: Preliminary TOSCA Simple Profile for Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) based on ETSI GS NFV-MAN 001 Adding a new Abbreviation section might be needed Suggested namespace change: 2019/6/4

Topics plan to discuss during the joined session: tutorial about tosca-simple-profile-yaml (30~60 minutes?) by Matt Contains: Overview, substitution mapping, capability and requirement, workflow (BPMN), interface type, how tosca template can be used for provisioning the application (mechanism of TOSCA orchestrator) introduction about the latest tosca-nfv-profile draft (20minutes + questions) Future plan and remain issues (10 minutes) VNF LCM 2019/6/4

Thank you! 2019/6/4