EXECUTIVE STEERING TEAM – DESIGN REVIEW MEETING AGENDA PHASE 4: Future L&D System Architecture Meeting Purpose: The purpose of this meeting is to gain Steering Team acceptance that the design meets the needs of the business, that it is politically acceptable, and that there is support to move into implementation and resources planning. Agenda: Topic Notes 1. Introductions Make sure all the members of the Steering Team and Working Team are introduced. 2. Meeting purpose and agenda 3. Review overall Project Plan Show a few slides to remind them of the overall plan and where you are in the process. 4. Review key analysis findings and conclusions Show a few slides to remind them of the business needs that the new design must meet.
EXECUTIVE STEERING TEAM – DESIGN REVIEW MEETING AGENDA (cont.) PHASE 4: Future L&D System Architecture Topic Notes 5. Present the high-level L&D System Architecture Show a few slides to illustrate the design and key features. Tell the story about how this system works from several points of view Learner/employee Supervisor Functional manager/executive Business leader L&D Department Answer questions about how the system will meet business needs. 6. Issue resolution Go around the table and have each Steering Team member render a personal critique of the design; keep a flip chart with issues to be resolved. Work to resolve important issues or promise to go back to the drawing board where this can’t be done in the meeting. 7. Implementation and resources planning As the group for their authorization and support to move into the next phase of work. 8. Next meeting schedule Review or establish date, time, and place for the next meeting to review implementation plans and multiyear resource estimates.