Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax Ticket to Work Program Ticket Assignment Process
Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax Useful Terms and Acronyms EN – Employment Network DUNS – Data Universal Numbering System Number VR – Vocational Rehabilitation SSA – Social Security Administration WIPA – Work Incentive Planning and Assistance Program TWP – Trial Work Period TWL – Trial Work Level TPR – Timely Progress Review CDR – Continuing Disability Review EIN – Employer Identification Number IWP – Individual Work Plan PII – Personally Identifiable Information SGA – Substantial Gainful Activity SSDI – Social Security Disability Insurance (Title II/T2) SSI – Supplemental Security Income (Title XVI/T16)
Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax Snapshot of Program Overview 1. Beneficiary calls BASS to get information about ENs and services 2. Beneficiary chooses EN and together develop IWP 3. Ticket is assigned and the EN & Beneficiary work on plan 4. Beneficiary earns income sufficient for outcomes or milestones 5. EN is eligible for Ticket payment
Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax MAXIMUS Operations Support Manager and Ticket Program Data Operations Center ManagerOperations Support Manager and Ticket Program Data Operations Center Manager Responsible for overseeing the administration/day-to- day operations of the Ticket to Work ProgramResponsible for overseeing the administration/day-to- day operations of the Ticket to Work Program
Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax MAXIMUS (cont.) EN PaymentsEN Payments –Process payment requests Technical Assistance and Support Center (TASC)Technical Assistance and Support Center (TASC) –1 (866) –Technical Assistance, Training, Outreach
Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax BASS Beneficiary Access and Support ServicesBeneficiary Access and Support Services –1 (866) –Provides information to beneficiaries and the general public about the Ticket to Work Program and how it works. BASS will also mail a list containing ENs and VRs approved to serve the zip code of the caller –Work Incentive Information and Referrals Provide general benefits informationProvide general benefits information Provide work incentives information depending on ticket holder entitlementProvide work incentives information depending on ticket holder entitlement Refer ticket holder to WIPA if they are working or they are planning on workingRefer ticket holder to WIPA if they are working or they are planning on working
Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax How to Get Started Initial Assessment of BeneficiaryInitial Assessment of Beneficiary –Benefits of Pre-screening survey Ticket-holders interestsTicket-holders interests Ticket-holder needsTicket-holder needs Desire to become self-sufficientDesire to become self-sufficient Previous work and earnings historyPrevious work and earnings history Skills and educationSkills and education Helps EN obtain more information about the ticket- holder so EN can make an informed decision about accepting the ticketHelps EN obtain more information about the ticket- holder so EN can make an informed decision about accepting the ticket
Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax How to Get Started (cont.) Check Ticket AssignabilityCheck Ticket Assignability –Call MAXIMUS at –Have your DUNS available –10 Tickets or more, please fax the names and SSNs to (703) –Terminology: AssignableAssignable Not AssignableNot Assignable Assigned (EN) or In-Use (VR)Assigned (EN) or In-Use (VR) Not in DatabaseNot in Database
Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax How to Get Started (cont.) Individual Work Plan (IWP) with 18-month prior earnings informationIndividual Work Plan (IWP) with 18-month prior earnings information –If ticket holder was previously with SVR and the case was closed successfully, no 18-month prior earnings information will be required however EN will need to indicate successful SVR closure on the IWP Timely Progress Review DiscussionTimely Progress Review Discussion EN submits the signed IWP & prior earnings tool (if applicable) to MAXIMUSEN submits the signed IWP & prior earnings tool (if applicable) to MAXIMUS –Fax: (703) , Attn: IWP Processing –Mail: Ticket-to-Work, P.O. Box 1433, Alexandria, VA, MAXIMUS processes the IWPMAXIMUS processes the IWP –Ticket assignment date is based on the signature date provided on the IWP Ticket Confirmation Letter sent to EN and beneficiaryTicket Confirmation Letter sent to EN and beneficiary
Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax Month Prior Earnings Worksheet Place an X for every month that the ticket holder had earnings at or above TWL. If any of the Milestones change to red, this will indicate that your EN is not eligible for that payment Trial Work Level (TWL) Key If the beneficiary had no earnings you may state that information in this blank space Indicates Milestone Eligibility
Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax Timely Progress Reviews (TPR) TPR is based on the Timely Progress Guidelines established by SSA under the New Regulations which were made effective July 2008TPR is based on the Timely Progress Guidelines established by SSA under the New Regulations which were made effective July 2008 SSA expects ticket holders to make progress toward self-supporting employment while their ticket is Assigned or In-Use SVRSSA expects ticket holders to make progress toward self-supporting employment while their ticket is Assigned or In-Use SVR –SSA will conduct a review at the conclusion of every 12- month period of Ticket Use or assignment to determine the ticket holders progress towards self-supporting employment
TPR TPR 12 Month Review Maximus performs annual progress review Based on ticket anniversary month Earnings meet SSA guidelines Earnings do not meet SSA guidelines Maximus sends Beneficiary TPR form to complete Maximus reviews TPR form Guidelines met Guidelines not met No response CDR at regular schedule Ticket remains assigned to Service Provider Previous earnings may result in EN Payment Request to Service Provider to reach out to Beneficiary TPR form completed CDR Protection
Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax TPR Guidelines- 1 st Review Period Work/EarningsorEducation Degree or Certification orTraining Technical, Trade or Vocational orCombination Work/Earnings and Education/ Training 3 of 12 months with Trial Work level earnings GED, High School diploma OR 60% of full- time course load for a college academic year 60% of full- time course load for an academic year Work/Earnings PLUS Education/ Training that totals at least 100% After 12 months of Ticket Use
Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax TPR Guidelines- 2 nd Review Period months of Ticket Use Work/EarningsorEducation Degree or Certification orTraining Technical, Trade or Vocational orCombination Work/Earnings and Education/ Training 6 of 12 months with Trial Work level earnings 75% of full-time course load for a college academic year 75% of full- time course load for an academic year Work/Earnings PLUS Education/ Training that totals at least 100%
Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax Inactive Status In-Use SVR beneficiaries may be excused from progress reviews by requesting inactive status andIn-Use SVR beneficiaries may be excused from progress reviews by requesting inactive status and Any beneficiary may place their ticket in inactive status if temporarily unable to make timely progress toward self- supporting employment during a progress certification periodAny beneficiary may place their ticket in inactive status if temporarily unable to make timely progress toward self- supporting employment during a progress certification period –Does not count toward time limitations for TPR –Provider cannot place ticket in inactive status –Ticket holder may continue to receive services from EN or SVR –Inactive Status does not affect EN Payment Not excused from Medical Continuing Disability Reviews (CDR) while in inactive statusNot excused from Medical Continuing Disability Reviews (CDR) while in inactive status Beneficiary may submit written request for re-entry to In-Use status/In-Use SVR status once they meet the requirementsBeneficiary may submit written request for re-entry to In-Use status/In-Use SVR status once they meet the requirements
Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax How to Unassign the Ticket How to unassign a ticket:How to unassign a ticket: –Since the program is voluntary, the beneficiary, EN, or VR may unassign the Ticket at any time –To unassign a Ticket, the beneficiary, or EN, must send an unassignment request letter to MAXIMUS –Beneficiary cannot unassign their ticket from VR, VR must close case first and notify MAXIMUS
Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax Personal Identifiable Information (PII) At a minimum PII Includes:At a minimum PII Includes: –Persons name –Social Security Number –Social Security Benefit Data –Date of birth –Drivers license or identification number –Alien registration number –Government passport number –Medical Information –Home Address Only one single, individual PII element is permitted in communicationsOnly one single, individual PII element is permitted in communications
Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax Contact Us MAXIMUS Ticket to Work Toll Free: TDD: Mary Lynn ReVoir, Senior Acct Manager
Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Technical Assistance and Support Center Toll free , Fax Questions?