Presented by: Michele Elledge Data Element Changes Presented by: Michele Elledge 2019-2020 School Year March 2019
CONTENTS Industry Certifications Campus Enrollment Type Student Special Education and Limited English Proficiency Reporting Organization Data Elements CONTENTS
Industry Certifications Industry certifications earned by students are currently reported on the StudentGraduationProgramExtension Complex Type. To enable LEAs to report industry certifications earned by students prior to graduation, the reporting this data of will be moved to the StudentExtension complex type.
Industry Certifications Add sub-complex type TX-IndustryCertification and TX-IndustryCertifications to the StudentExtension complex type. Add EFFECTIVE-DATE (E1632) and POST- SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE (E1640) Remove code 000 (Not Applicable) from the INDUSTRY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE code table (C214).
Industry Certifications Remove the following from the StudentGraduationProgramExtension complex type: sub-complex type TX- PerformanceAcknowledgementIndicators FIRST-POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE (E1586) SECOND-POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE (E1592) THIRD-POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE (E1593)
Rule Impact Rule Level Collection Applies to: 40100 -0180 (new) If POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE- CODE is not blank, the GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be “09”-“12”. F PEIMS 1 & 3 District, Campus, Charter 48011 -000B For a Student Graduation Program, the following must be provided: DISTRICT-ID, TX-UNIQUE- STUDENT-ID, and CAMPUS-ID, For a Student Graduation Program, the following must be provided: DISTRICT-ID, TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, and CAMPUS-ID, FIRST-POST-SECONDARY- CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE. PEIMS 1 48011 -0024 If FIRST-POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION- LICENSURE is "000", then SECOND-POST- SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE and THIRD-POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION- LICENSURE must be blank/not reported. 1
CONTENTS Industry Certifications Campus Enrollment Type Student Special Education and Limited English Proficiency Reporting Organization Data Elements CONTENTS
Campus enrollment type Campuses that receive an accountability rating of ‘Met Standard’ are eligible to earn distinction designations. To earn a distinction designation, a campus must be in the top quartile of its comparison group for at least 33% (for high schools and K-12 campuses) or 50% (for elementary and middle schools) of the indicators used to award the distinction. Comparison groups include other campuses from across the state that are most similar in terms of grades offered, size, percentage of students who are economically disadvantaged, mobility rate, percentage of English learners.
Campus enrollment type Comparison groups include other campuses from across the state that are most similar in terms of: Grades offered Size Percentage of students who are economically disadvantaged Mobility rate Percentage of: English learners, students receiving special education services, students enrolled in an Early College High School program
Campus enrollment type The Accountability Technical Advisory Committee and the Policy Advisory Committee along with other stakeholder groups and the Commissioner of Education have determined the need to add an additional criterion, Campus Enrollment Type, as a factor to consider when assigning campuses to comparison groups.
Campus Enrollment Type Zoned Enrollment School (no transfers accepted): School in which attendance is based on the student’s home address. Zoned Enrollment School (transfers accepted): School in which attendance is based on the student’s home address or allowance of transfer students from another zoned school or district. Open Enrollment School: School that allows enrollment to any student regardless of the home address.
Campus Enrollment Type Selective Enrollment School: School that uses some sort of selective criteria (e.g., student grades, audition, interview) for determination of enrollment of all students. Enrollment in these schools may or may not be based on the student’s home address. Blended Enrollment School: School that bases enrollment on a combination of zoned enrollment, open enrollment, and/or selective enrollment. ISS/DAEP/JJAEP School: School that enrolls students for the express purpose of disciplinary removals (ISS, DAEP or JJAEP).
Campus Enrollment Type Add new data element CAMPUS-ENROLLMENT- TYPE-CODE 1641 to the SchoolExtension Complex Type reported in the PEIMS Fall Submission. New code table CAMPUS-ENROLLMENT-TYPE-CODE (C219) Click to view the CAMPUS-ENROLLMENT-TYPE- CODE code table
CONTENTS Industry Certifications Campus Enrollment Type Student Special Education and Limited English Proficiency Reporting Organization Data Elements CONTENTS
Student Special Ed and LEP Reporting For any students receiving special education services for which a discipline removal was reported during the school year, federal regulations require the reporting of the student’s: Primary disability Multiply disabled status Limited English Proficiency (LEP) status
Student Special Ed and LEP Reporting Since the 2015-2016 school year, PRIMARY- DISABILITY-CODE, MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR- CODE and LEP-INDICATOR- CODE have been reported on the StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociation Complex Type. These changes ensured that TEA would no longer collect these three data elements for students who were receiving special education services but who were not reported with a disciplinary removal in the Student Disciplinary Interchange.
Student Special Ed and LEP Reporting LEAs have experienced difficulty in accurately reporting this data due to timing issues related to the movement of students into or out of the special education program during the due process procedures related to a disciplinary incident. With the Residential Facility Tracker (RFT) Collection, the StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension Complex Type is added to the PEIMS Summer Collection.
Student Special Ed and LEP Reporting With the addition of effective dates to the StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension complex type and the addition of this complex type to the PEIMS Summer Submission, TEA will be able to determine at any point in time whether or not a student received special education services and will also know the student’s primary disability and multiply disabled status. This data can be compared to discipline data to determine which student data needs to be included for federal reporting purposes.
Student Special Ed and LEP Reporting Use the TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, DISTRICT-ID, EFFECTIVE-DATE (TX-EffectiveDateSpEd), EFFECTIVE- DATE (TX-EffectiveDateDisabilities), PRIMARY- DISABILITY-CODE and MULTIPLY-DISABLED- INDICATOR-CODE from the StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension Complex Type, and Use the existing LEP-INDICATOR-CODE submitted in the StudentExtension Complex Type for federal discipline reporting.
Student Special Ed and LEP Reporting Remove PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE (E0041), MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0882) and LEP-INDICATOR-CODE (E0790) from the StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociation Complex Type.
Rule Impact Rule Level PEIMS Applies to: 40100- 0150 (deleted) 40100- 0150 (deleted) If LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is "1" on student data, and SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1" on Student Program data, and this student has a Disciplinary Action reported, then LEP- INDICATOR-CODE should be "1" on the Student Discipline Incident Association data. S 3 District, Campus, Charter 40110- 0002 If SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then there must be a Special Education program association reported with a matching TX- UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID. F 1, 3 41163- 00A The combination of the following fields must be unique for each Student Special Education Program Association: DISTRICT-ID, TX-UNIQUE- STUDENT-ID, and EFFECTIVE-DATE (Special Ed). RFT, PEIMS 1 & 3
Rule Impact Rule Level Collection Applies to: 41163- 000C New For a Student Special Education Program Association, the following must be provided: DISTRICT-ID, TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, EFFECTIVE-DATE (Special Ed), EFFECTIVE-DATE (Disabilities), PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE, and MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE. F PEIMS 3 District, Campus, Charter 41163- 001 For each student Special Education program association, there must be a student program with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID where SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1". RFT, PEIMS 1 & 3 41163- 0044 If PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE is "00", then MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE must be "0".
Rule Impact Rule Level Collection Applies to: New 41163- 0045 41163- 0045 If MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE must not be "00". F PEIMS 3 District, Campus, Charter
Rule Impact Rule Level Collection Applies to: 44425- 0002 44425- 0002 If PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE is not "00" or blank DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "27" or "50"- "61", and STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION- CODE is not "07", then there should be Special Education Attendance or Special Education Flexible Attendance with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, or Attendance with a matching TX-UNIQUE- STUDENT-ID where TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED- MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT is greater than 0, or Flexible Attendance with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID where FLEX- ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS- ELIGIBLE is greater than 0. S PEIMS 3 District, Campus, Charter
Rule Impact Rule Level Collection Applies to: 44425- 0065 deleted 44425- 0065 deleted If LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then LEP- INDICATOR-CODE should be "1" on the corresponding student data. S PEIMS 3 District, Campus, Charter 44425- 0066 If SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "0" on a student's program data, then LEP-INDICATOR- CODE, PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE, and MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE should be blank on that student's discipline data. 44425- 0067 If SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1" on a student's program data, then LEP-INDICATOR- CODE, PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE, and MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE should not be blank on that student's discipline data.
Rule Impact Rule Level Collection Applies to: 44425- 0068 deleted 44425- 0068 deleted A student who is reported with a TX- PrimaryDisability on discipline data should also be reported as special education on student program data. F PEIMS 3 District, Campus, Charter 44425- 0069 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "27" or "50"-"61", then PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE must not be "00" or blank. 44425- 0070 If PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE is "00" or blank, then MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE must be "0" or blank.
Rule Impact Rule Level Collection Applies to: 44425- 0071 deleted 44425- 0071 deleted If MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE must not be "00" or blank (not reported). F PEIMS 3 District, Campus, Charter
CONTENTS Industry Certifications Campus Enrollment Type Student Special Education and Limited English Proficiency Reporting Organization Data Elements CONTENTS
Organization data Education Service Centers (ESCs) and local education agencies (LEAs) maintain their name, organization identification, type, address and telephone information in AskTED, the Texas Education Directory application; this information is stored in the ORG database. Reporting of this information in PEIMS and TSDS collections has been necessary since ORG did not retain historical information. Effective dates are now in AskTED, so beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, specific data elements will be retrieved from the ORG database and not reported in PEIMS/TSDS Collections.
Organization data Specific data elements stored in AskTED will no longer be collected in the following complex types: EducationServiceCenter Complex Type LocalEducationAgencyExtension Complex Type SchoolExtension Complex Type
EducationServiceCenter Complex Type No longer collect: EDUCATION-SERVICE-CENTER-NAME (E1086) ORGANIZATION-CATEGORY (E1240)
LocalEducationAgencyExtension Complex Type No longer collect: LEA-CATEGORY-TYPE (E1521) ESC-PEIMS-ID (E1290) ESC-GEOGRAPHICAL-LOCATION-ID (E1291)
SchoolExtension Complex Type No longer collect: CAMPUS-CATEGORIES (E1358) CAMPUS-TYPE (E1354) CHARTER-STATUS (E1288)
Rule Impact Rule Level Collection Applies to: 10005- 000B (UPDATE) For an Education Service Center, the following must be provided: EDUCATION-SERVICE- CENTER-ID., EDUCATION-SERVICE-CENTER- NAME, and ORGANIZATION-CATEGORY. F PEIMS 1, 2 ESC 10010- 000B For a Local Education Agency, the following must be provided: DISTRICT-ID, DISTRICT- NAME, and ORGANIZATION-CATEGORY. PEIMS 2, 4 District Charter 10010- 000C For a Local Education Agency, the following must be provided: DISTRICT-ID, DISTRICT- NAME, ORGANIZATION-CATEGORY, TOTAL- NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS, and TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS. PEIMS 3
Rule Impact Rule Level Collection Applies to: 10010- 000D (UPDATE) For a Local Education Agency, the following must be provided: DISTRICT-ID, DISTRICT- NAME, and ORGANIZATION-CATEGORY. F PEIMS 3 Charter 10010- 000E For a Local Education Agency, the following must be provided: DISTRICT-ID, DISTRICT- NAME, ORGANIZATION-CATEGORY, and ARMED-SERVICES-VOC-APT-BATTERY- INDICATOR-CODE. PEIMS 1 District 10020- 000B For a campus, the following must be provided: CAMPUS-ID, CAMPUS-NAME, ORGANIZATION-CATEGORY, DISTRICT-ID, and EXPANDED-LEARNING-OPPORTUNITY- INDICATOR-CODE. PEIMS 2 Campus
Rule Impact Rule Level Collection Applies to: 10020-000D (UPDATE) For a campus, the following must be provided: CAMPUS-ID, CAMPUS-NAME, ORGANIZATION-CATEGORY, DISTRICT-ID, and EXPANDED-LEARNING-OPPORTUNITY- INDICATOR-CODE. F PEIMS 3, 4 District Campus Charter 10020-000E For a campus, the following must be provided: CAMPUS-ID, CAMPUS-NAME, ORGANIZATION-CATEGORY, DISTRICT-ID, and NSLP-TYPE-CODE. PEIMS 1
Presented by: Melissa Lemons Code Table changes Presented by: Melissa Lemons 2019-2020 School Year March 2019
CONTENTS New Expenditure Code Disciplinary Action Reason Code Changes Campus ID of Residence Service ID Changes CONTENTS
New expenditure code - Background Senate Bill 622, passed during the 85th legislative session, requires that political subdivisions (including school districts) reflect in their proposed budget, a line item specifically for expenditures incurred to publish all statutorily required public notices in the newspaper by the political subdivision or their representatives. Examples include: items related to school board elections, specific test administration dates, or notices of budget and tax rate meetings.
New expenditure code In order to comply with Senate Bill 622, the Texas Education Agency, has added the following code to the OBJECT-CODE (C159) code table that applies to Actual Financial data reporting for the 2019-2020 school year: 6491 – Statutorily Required Public Notices
New expenditure code - rules # Rule Change Collection / Submission & Error Level Applies to 20032 -0149 New There should be Actual Financial data where OBJECT-CODE is "6491" Special Warning Sub 2 Districts 20032 -0150 OBJECT-CODE must not be "6491" Fatal Charters
New expenditure code For budget reporting, 6491 and all codes under 6400 (Operating Costs) are reported as OBJECT-CODE 6400. Code 6491 (Statutorily Required Public Notices) is part of a subset of codes that exist in the OBJECT- CODE (C159) code table.
New expenditure code Additionally, the To The Administrator (TAA) notice New Expenditure Code (Object 6491) for all Statutorily Required Public Notices states that expenses related to the new OBJECT-CODE 6491 (Statutorily Required Public Notices) should be tracked for the 2018-2019 school year so that LEAs can report these expenditures in the 2019-2020 TSDS PEIMS collection of Actual Financial data.
CONTENTS New Expenditure Code Disciplinary Action Reason Code Changes Campus ID of Residence CONTENTS
Disciplinary action reason code changes Federal reporting requirement changes have been made to no longer require states to report data related to tobacco and school related gang violence. This information is currently collected through the DISCIPLINARY- ACTION-REASON-CODEs 33 (tobacco) and 34 (school related gang violence).
Disciplinary action reason code changes In order to comply with the updated federal reporting requirements, the following changes have been made to the DISCIPLINARY-ACTION- REASON-CODE (C165) code table for the 2019-2020 school year: Delete code 33 (tobacco) Delete code 34 (school related gang violence) Update code 21 (take out reference of codes 33 and 34)
Disciplinary action reason code changes – Code Table Table ID Name XML Name Date Issued Updated C165 DISCIPLINARY-ACTION- REASON-CODE TX- DisciplinaryActio nReasonType 3/2/1998 3/1/2019 Translation 21 Violation Of Student Code Of Conduct Not Included Under TEC §§37.002(b), 37.006, or 37.007 (does not include student code of conduct violations covered in reason codes 33 and 34) 33 Possessed, Purchased, Used, or Accepted a Cigarette Or Tobacco Product As defined in the Health and Safety Code, Section 3.01, Chapter 161.252 34 School-Related Gang Violence Action by three or more persons having a common identifying sign or symbol or an identifiable sign or symbol or an identifiable leadership who associate in the commission of criminal activities under Penal Code §71.01
Disciplinary action reason code changes - Rules # Rule Change Collection / Submission & Error Level Applies to 44425- 0037 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON- CODE is "01", "02", "07", "21", "28", "33", "34", "41", "42", "44", "45", or "56" then DISCIPLINARY- ACTION-CODE should not be "01"- "04", "09", "11", "12", "15", "50"- "53", "56", "58", "59" or "61". Special Warning Sub 3 Districts and Campuses 44425- 0050 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON- CODE is "21"-"23", "33", "34", "41", "42", "44", "45", "55", or "56", then BEHAVIOR-LOCATION- CODE must be "00" Fatal Districts, Campuses, and Charters
Disciplinary action reason code changes - Rules # Rule Change Collection / Submission & Error Level Applies to 44425- 0055 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON- CODE is not "21"-"23", "33", "34", "41", "42", "44", "45", "55", or "56", then BEHAVIOR- LOCATION-CODE must not be "00". Fatal Sub 3 Districts, Campuses, and Charters
CONTENTS New Expenditure Code Disciplinary Action Reason Code Changes Campus ID of Residence CONTENTS
campus id of residence – background The Texas Education Agency administers an annual grant (refer to: eGrants SC5050) in order to collect serving and residing local education agency (LEA) student enrollment and demographic data for open- enrollment charter schools and three special state LEAs Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) South Texas ISD (STISD)
campus id of residence – background LEAs currently must enter student enrollment data via the eGrants collection, at which time the Resident Public School District (CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE) must be entered. This information is then used in the federal statutory based allocation formulas to account for and allocate federal funds to LEAs. By using data reported in the PEIMS Fall Submission for CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE (E0903), the annual eGrants SC5050 data collection for special state LEAs will be eliminated with a few exceptions. Exceptions include new charters opening for the first time and those that are wishing to apply for significant expansions in the September/October timeframe.
campus id of residence – CODE TABLE Changes In order to use the CAMPUS-ID-OF- RESIDENCE (E903) for the special state schools, the following changes have been made to the STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE (C161) code table: Code 29 – South Texas ISD [For South Texas ISD use only]
CAMPUS ID OF RESIDENCE – CODE TABLE CHANGES Table ID Name XML Name Date Issued Updated C161 STUDENT- ATTRIBUTION-CODE TX- AttributionType 3/3/1997 12/1/2018 Translation 29 South Texas ISD [For South Texas ISD Use Only]
campus id of residence – GUIDANCE Additionally, guidance has been updated in 2.4 in order to address when the CAMPUS-ID-OF- RESIDENCE should be reported. The guidance now includes the TSD, TSBVI, and STISD.
campus id of residence - Rules # Rule Change Collection / Submission & Error Level Applies to 40110- 0097 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE is not blank, then CAMPUS-IDOF- RESIDENCE must be "255000000" or match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus ending in "001"-"698", but must not be a charter, a JJAEP, Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), or South Texas ISD (031916). Fatal Sub 1, 3, and 4 Districts, Campuses, and Charters
campus id of residence - Rules # Rule Change Collection / Submission & Error Level Applies to 40110- 0099 If DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas School for the Deaf (227906), the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), or South Texas ISD (031916), then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be blank. Fatal Sub 1, 3, and 4 Districts
campus id of residence - Rules # Rule Change Collection / Submission & Error Level Applies to 40110- 0193 (NEW) If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is "10", then CAMPUS-ID must be in the Texas School for the Deaf (227906). Fatal 1, 3, and 4 Districts, Campuses, and Charters 40110- 0194 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is "29", then CAMPUS-ID must be in South Texas ISD (031916)
SERVICE-ID (C022) Code Table Changes CONTENTS
SERVICE-ID (C022) CODE TABLE CHANGES The following SERVICE-ID (C022) Code Table Changes were made in the Preliminary publication for the 2019-2020 school year: English Learners Language Arts (ELLA), Grade 7 (03200531) (added) English Learners Language Arts (ELLA), Grade 8 (03200532) (added) Ethnic Studies: Mexican American Studies (03380084) (added) Mexican American Studies (N1130023) (deleted) Music II, Orchestra II (03150600) (revised course name) ELLA – New TEKS have been implemented for the 2019-2020 school year. Ethnic Studies – Course has been approved for the 2019-2020 school year and is replacing the innovative course. Mexican America Studies has been replaced for the 2019-2020 school year. Orchestra – Typo in the course name has been fixed.
SERVICE-ID (C022) CODE TABLE CHANGES The following SERVICE-ID (C022) Code Table Changes were made in the Final publication for the 2019-2020 school year: Physical Education, Grade 1 (02530004) (added) Physical Education, Grade 2 (02530005) (added) Physical Education, Grade 3 (02530006) (added) Physical Education, Grade 4 (02530007) (added) Physical Education, Grade 5 (02530008) (added) Physical Education courses have been separated for data collection purposes.
SERVICE-ID (C022) CODE TABLE CHANGES The following SERVICE-ID (C022) Code Table Changes were made in the Final publication for the 2019-2020 school year (cont’d): Local-Credit Course-Physical Education, Grade 6 (82210XXX) (added) Local-Credit Course-Health, Grade 6 (82210XXX) (added) Local-Credit Course-Physical Education, Grade 7 (82931XXX) (added) Local-Credit Course-Health, Grade 7 (82932XXX) (added) Physical Education courses have been separated for data collection purposes.
SERVICE-ID (C022) CODE TABLE CHANGES The following SERVICE-ID (C022) Code Table Changes were made in the Final publication for the 2019-2020 school year (cont’d): Local-Credit Course-Physical Education, Grade 8 (83210XXX) (added) Local-Credit Course-Health, Grade 8 (83220XXX) (added) IB Film Standard Level (I3830300) (added) IB Film Higher Level (I3830400) (added) Physical Education courses have been separated for data collection purposes. IB courses have been approved as TEKS-based courses
SERVICE-ID (C022) CODE TABLE CHANGES The following SERVICE-ID (C022) Code Table Changes were made in the Final publication for the 2019-2020 school year (cont’d): IB Film Standard Level (N1290320) (deleted) IB Film Higher Level (N1290321) (deleted) The IB courses are moving from innovative courses to TEKS-based fine arts courses; additionally, the credit awarded has increased.
OTHER Business validation rule changes Presented by: Michele Elledge 2019-2020 School Year March 2019
CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction Business Validation Rules – Organization Business Validation Rules – Staff Business Validation Rules – Student Business Validation Rules – Attendance Business Validation Rules – Course Completion CONTENTS
Business Validation Rules Intro Business Validation Rules are added, revised, and/or deleted due to Legislation, Quality assurance discoveries, Support questions, or Program area requests.
Business Validation Rules Intro The following slides provide a high-level view of miscellaneous validation rule changes that have not been covered by other training agenda items. A detailed list of all validation rule changes can be found in the 2019-2020 Section 5 Change Log.
CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction Business Validation Rules – Organization Business Validation Rules – Staff Business Validation Rules – Student Business Validation Rules – Attendance Business Validation Rules – Course Completion CONTENTS
Business Validation Rules-Organization 10020-0036 Except for campuses registered with TEA as a JJAEP, if a campus has at least one student enrolled with AS-OF- STATUS-CODE "B", "D", "F", or "X" and ECONOMIC- DISADVANTAGE-CODE of "01" or "02", then NSLP-TYPE- CODE must not be "00". Revision: Added 'AS-OF-STATUS-CODE of "B", "D", "F", or "X" and’ Reason: To check for enrolled students and reduce the chance of the error displaying unnecessarily. Note: production support issues with this rule have caused us to make tweaks
Business Validation Rules-Organization 10200-0047 For a particular CAMPUS-ID, SCHOOL-YEAR, and INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE where INSTRUCTIONAL-PROGRAM-TYPE is "05"-"12", the sum of all SCHOOL-DAY-INSTRUCTIONAL-MINUTES should be greater than or equal to 43,200. Revision: Changed "greater than 43,200" to "greater than or equal to 43,200". Reason: To better align this Special Warning rule with the language in TEC 29.005 which states "at least 43,200 minutes", and to prevent this error from displaying when a campus with one of these instructional programs has exactly 43,200 instructional minutes in their calendar. TX-InstructionalProgramTypes: "Dropout Recovery Program/Campus" (05), "Disciplinary Alternative Education Program/Campus" (06), "Correctional Facility Program/Campus" (07), "Residential Treatment Facility Program/Campus" (08), "Day Treatment Facility Program/Campus" (09), "Psychiatric Hospital Program/Campus" (10), "Medical Hospital Program/Campus" (11), or "Charter School issued under TEC 29.259 (Excel Academy)" (12)
CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction Business Validation Rules – Organization Business Validation Rules – Staff Business Validation Rules – Student Business Validation Rules – Attendance Business Validation Rules – Course Completion CONTENTS
Business Validation Rules - STAFF 30090-0118 If ROLE-ID is "033" or "036", then there should be at least one staff payroll with a matching TX-UNIQUE- STAFF-ID where OBJECT-CODE is "6129" or "6122". New Special Warning rule Reason: Filling some gaps in the warnings provided to help align Role IDs to payroll Object Codes.
CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction Business Validation Rules – Organization Business Validation Rules – Staff Business Validation Rules – Student Business Validation Rules – Attendance Business Validation Rules – Course Completion CONTENTS
Business Validation Rules - STUDENT 40100-0122 If MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE is "4", then this student must be reported with Attendance or Flexible Attendance where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK". Revision: Changed Error Level from Special Warning to Fatal; Changed 'GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should be "PK"' to 'this student must be reported with Attendance or Flexible Attendance where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK"'. Reason: For this submission 3 rule, it is more effective to look at the grade level reported with attendance through out the year than at the grade level at the end of the school year.
Business Validation Rules - STUDENT 40100-0132 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "A", then CAMPUS-ID-OF- ENROLLMENT and CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY from their student school association must be blank. Revision Revision: Added "and CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY". Reason: Campus Id of Accountability is not reported for school leavers.
Business Validation Rules - STUDENT 40100-0181 For each student, only one of the following three indicators may be "1": ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE, P-TECH- INDICATOR-CODE, or T-STEM-INDICATOR-CODE. New Fatal rule for PEIMS Submissions 1, 3, and 4 Reason: Prevent a student from being reported as enrolled in more than one of these programs: Early College High School (ECHS), Pathways in Technology (P-TECH), or Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (T-STEM).
Business Validation Rules - STUDENT 40100-0169 If T-STEM-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then CAMPUS-ID-OF- ENROLLMENT from the student school association must be a campus approved as a T-STEM campus. Revision: Removed PEIMS Submission 3 and 4. Reason: Campus ID of Enrollment is generally not reported on StudentSchoolAssociation for these submissions. 40100-0182 If T-STEM-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then the student must be reported with at least some Attendance or Flexible Attendance in a CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT that is approved as a T-STEM campus. New Fatal rule for PEIMS Submission 3 Reason: Replacement for 40100-0169. Note – Sub 4 will not have a replacement rule because Campus Id values are from such disparate groups of students that it would not be efficient or effective to do this check
Business Validation Rules - STUDENT 40100-0170 If ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then CAMPUS-ID-OF- ENROLLMENT from the student school association must be a campus approved as an ECHS campus. Revision: Removed PEIMS Submission 3 and 4. Reason: Campus ID of Enrollment is generally not reported on StudentSchoolAssociation for these submissions. 40100-0183 If ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then the student must be reported with at least some Attendance or Flexible Attendance in a CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT that is approved as an ECHS campus. New Fatal rule for PEIMS Submission 3 Reason: Replacement for 40100-0170. Note – Sub 4 will not have a replacement rule because Campus Id values are from such disparate groups of students that it would not be efficient or effective to do this check
Business Validation Rules - STUDENT 40100-0171 If P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then CAMPUS-ID-OF- ENROLLMENT from the student school association must be a campus approved to have a P-TECH program. Revision: Removed PEIMS Submission 3 and 4. Reason: Campus ID of Enrollment is generally not reported on StudentSchoolAssociation for these submissions. 40100-0184 If P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then the student must be reported with at least some Attendance or Flexible Attendance in a CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT that is approved to have a P-TECH program. New Fatal rule for PEIMS Submission 3 Reason: Replacement for 40100-0171. Note – Sub 4 will not have a replacement rule because Campus Id values are from such disparate groups of students that it would not be efficient or effective to do this check
CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction Business Validation Rules – Organization Business Validation Rules – Staff Business Validation Rules – Student Business Validation Rules – Attendance Business Validation Rules – Course Completion CONTENTS
Business Validation Rules - Attendance 42500-0047 For a particular TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, if September 1 age is 26 or greater, then all instances of FLEX-ATTEND- TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT must be 0, blank, or not reported. New Fatal rule for PEIMS Submission 3 and 4. Reason: A student's eligibility for flexible attendance funding ends when they are age 26 on September 1. Fyi being implemented for 18-19 also, but won’t be published in 18-19 TEDS. A Notice/Memo will be published soon including this change.
Business Validation Rules - Attendance 42500-0048 For each Flexible Attendance data item, FLEX-ATTEND- TOTAL-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-ELIGIBLE (matching Special Programs Attendance with ATTENDANCE-EVENT- INDICATOR of "Flexible - Bilingual/ESL") must not be greater than (FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES- PRESENT/240). New Fatal rule for PEIMS Submission 3 and 4. Reason: A student’s Bilingual/ESL Flexible Attendance must not be more than their regular flexible attendance for the same period. Fyi being implemented for 18-19 also, but won’t be published in 18-19 TEDS. A Notice/Memo will be published soon including this change.
Business Validation Rules - Attendance 42500-0049 For each Flexible Attendance data item, FLEX-ATTEND- TOTAL-PRS-DAYS-ELIGIBLE (matching Special Programs Attendance with ATTENDANCE-EVENT-INDICATOR of "Flexible - PRS") must not be greater than (FLEX-ATTEND- TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT/240). New Fatal rule for PEIMS Submission 3 and 4. Reason: A student’s Pregnancy Related Services Flexible Attendance must not be more than their regular flexible attendance for the same period. Fyi being implemented for 18-19 also, but won’t be published in 18-19 TEDS. A Notice/Memo will be published soon including this change.
Business Validation Rules - Attendance 42505-0026 For a particular TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, if September 1 age is greater than 21, then no Special Education Flexible Attendance can be reported. New Fatal rule for PEIMS Submission 3 and 4. Reason: Special education flexible attendance must not be reported for students over 21 years old on September 1. Fyi being implemented for 18-19 also, but won’t be published in 18-19 TEDS
CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction Business Validation Rules – Organization Business Validation Rules – Staff Business Validation Rules – Student Business Validation Rules – Attendance Business Validation Rules – Course Completion CONTENTS
Business Validation Rules-Course Completion 43415-0069 If DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then COURSE- SEQUENCE-CODE should be "0". Deleted this rule before it was ever implemented. Reason: We incorrectly assumed all dual-credit courses are one semester courses, when in fact dual-credit courses are offered in a variety of arrangements. A team of staff from Business Management, Performance Reporting, and College, Career, and Military Prep (CCMP) are working to provide additional guidance for reporting dual-credit courses and college credit hours accurately. Additional TSDS changes could result. Fyi deleted in 18-19 also, but that change won’t be published in 18-19 TEDS. A Notice/Memo will be published soon including this change.