Te Rautau: Te Rāhui Taketake Ngati Whakaue ki Maketu Hapū Management Plan
Ngati Whakaue ki Maketu lodged the current Plan with Regional Council in 2009 It is outdated and has run its course of usefulness. It is time for new aspirations for the hapu to achieve. Why Now?
Why do we need a Hapū Management Plan? A way of voicing our collective aspirations for the environment and our people The new and improved Plan: Articulates the concerns and aspirations of the hapu. Ensures we are consulted about activities (especially consents) within our rohe. Will influence Council plans, processes, decisions and better outcomes. Will guide our own strategic objectives and mahi.
Plan Vision To restore and enhance the mauri of land, rivers, streams, aquifers, wetlands, estuaries and the coastal environment within our rohe In other words, “ka ora te taiao, ka ora te tangata” “our environment is healthy, we are healthy and will prosper”
What's in the Plan? Part 1 Introduction The plan is structured as follows: Part 1 Introduction Purpose, Scope, Structure Part 2 Ko Wai Matou (Who we are) Our Iwi, Hapu and Runanga Our Area of Interest Part 3 Nga Kaupapa Here (Our Policies) Each policy section includes issues, objectives, policies and projects Part 4 - Whakatinanatanga (Plan Implementation) Engaging with Ngati Whakaue ki Maketu Accidental discovery protocols Part 5 Kupu Apiti (Schedules) Cultural Heritage Inventory Te Runanga o Ngati Whakaue ki maketu
Our Cultural Heritage, Identity and Knowledge Land | Air | Water | Coast | Kaimoana | Wetlands | Biodiversity Building hapū capacity | Active involvement in resource mgmt Protect sites | Celebrate our heritage | Knowledge Transfer Our Cultural Heritage, Identity and Knowledge Our Natural Environment Our People Te Tumu / Wairakei Maketū / Little Waihi Our Policy Topic Areas Areas requiring specific policies
A few projects included in the Plan for us be a part of, or lead Hapu-led environmental monitoring programme using cultural indicators Research to understand the impact of climate change on our lands Explore co-management of the Little Waihi Estuary Biodiversity Restoration Plan for Little Waihi Estuary Hold wananga with whanau to share traditional knowledge and practices Tuna restoration project Pilot project to grow karengo and/or produce agar Collaborative wetland creation project Establish an ecological corridor for native birds Affordable housing assessment on Māori land and/or Te Arawa settlement lands Cultural Monitor Training Ōkurei Point Preservation