P5 Welcome!
The Growth Mindset Don’t Say Do Say I’m never going to get this. I’m awesome at this. I just can’t do this! It’s easy for her – she’s just clever. My answer is fine the way it is. Do Say What shall I try instead? I seem to be on the right track. I’m going to have to practice this. I’m going to work out how she’s managing to do this. What can I do to make my answer even better? Kim Cook, kindergarten, Burlington PS
7 Habits – The Leader In Me programme Habit 1: Be Proactive (you’re in charge) Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind (have a plan) Habit 3: Put first things first (work first, then play) Habit 4: Think Win-Win (everyone can win) Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then be understood (listen before you talk) Habit 6: Synergize (together is better) Habit 7: Sharpen the saw (balance feels best)
Social Skills Social skills are sets of behaviours that enable individuals to interact with one another in ways that are socially acceptable. Students will be taught social skills in a concrete, step-by-step manner.
Voice Level 3: Table Talk https://youtu.be/5g_9jVyg00k Voice Level 5: Outside https://youtu.be/GUAh9G2_dU4
ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF STUDENTS Students should: understand the purpose of homework and what is expected of them; keep track of homework instructions and deadlines in the handbook;
ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF STUDENTS manage time well to ensure that homework is completed and submitted on time; give his/her best effort in completing homework within agreed time; inform the teacher of any difficulties in completion of the homework; and review feedback from teachers on homework submitted.
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT AND SUPPORT Parents can: create a conducive home environment for studying and completion of homework; supervise and provide support for child’s learning; reinforce good study habits and attitudes FTPPS HOMEWORK GUIDELINES
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT AND SUPPORT be mindful of the stresses arising from school homework and out-of-school activities, and help their children prioritise their time among these activities; work in partnership with teachers to support child’s learning and development.
Student Handbook Students must bring their handbook every day. All homework will be written on class whiteboard. Students are to record important information into their student handbook. Parents are requested not to give too much assistance but close monitoring is appreciated.
Student Handbook Form teacher hopes that parents will try to look at your child’s handbook daily if possible. Teacher will usually have homework or updates about your child via the handbook. There may also be messages for you. Communication can be through handbook.
English Language
Component Weighting Component P4 P5/P6 EL P5/P6 FEL Paper 1 Writing 20 Marks (20%) 55 Marks (27.5%) 40 Marks (26.7%) Paper 2 Language Use and Comprehension 50 Marks (50%) 95 Marks (47.5%) 60 Marks (40%) Listening Comprehension 14 Marks (14%) 20 Marks (10%) 20 Marks (13.3%) Oral 16 Marks (16%) 30 Marks (15%) 30 Marks (20%) Total 100 Marks (100%) 200 Marks (100%) 150 Marks (100%)
Key Difference - Writing P4 (20 marks) P5/6 EL (55 marks) P5/6 FEL (40 marks) Continuous Writing 1 compulsory question. A series of pictures with helping words with a given theme Min length: 120 words 20 Marks 1 compulsory question 3 individual pictures with a given theme Min length: 150 words 40 Marks A series of 3 pictures with helping words Min Length: 120 words 30 Marks Situational Writing 15 Marks 10 Marks
Listening Comprehension P4 (14 marks) P5/6 (20 marks) Picture Matching – 2 MCQ + 2 Sequencing questions Note-taking – 5 questions Comprehension – 3 MCQ 20 MCQ questions based on 6-7 Text-types Includes: Graphic/Pictorial Map/Routes
Oral P4 (16 marks) P5/6 (30 marks) Reading (6 Marks) Stimulus-Based Conversation (10 Marks) Stimulus-Based Conversation (20)
Language Use P5/6 EL Components No of Items Marks Grammar MCQ 10 Vocabulary MCQ 5 Vocabulary Cloze MCQ Visual Text Comprehension MCQ 8 Grammar Cloze Editing for Spelling and Grammar 12 Comprehension Cloze 15 Synthesis and Transformation Comprehension Up to 10 (1 to 4 marks each) 20 Total Marks 95
Language Use P5/6 FEL Grammar MCQ 8 Punctuation MCQ 2 Vocabulary MCQ 5 Components No of Items Marks Grammar MCQ 8 Punctuation MCQ 2 Vocabulary MCQ 5 Visual Text Comprehension MCQ Information Transfer Editing for Grammar 6 Editing for Spelling Comprehension FIB Synthesis 3 Comprehension Cloze Comprehension OE 1 Comprehension OE 2 4 Total 60
P5 Level Programmes (MT) MT Fortnight Language & Cultural Activities Festive Celebrations Chinese New Year Hari Raya Deepavali ICT Interactive Mother Tongue Learning (iMTL) portal Reading Activities 10 mins silent reading before MT Language lesson starts Cultural Performance Exposure Scheme (CPES) Learning Chinese through watching cultural performance
Mother Tongue Assignments Weekly Spelling on Tuesday (unless otherwise stated) Writing Exercises Reading Log Holistic Assessments Revision papers Holistic Assessments to test Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and 2-way Communication – written/oral
How you can support your child in the Languages Encourage reading: Provide suitable reading materials Read with your child Set aside time to read Chat with your child about what he/she has read Share what you have read Do not use reading as a punishment.
How you can support your child in the Languages Allow time for watching of television programmes: Be selective Educational content Good story lines Good language use Avoid certain programmes Excessive violence and gore Mature themes Poor language use
Assessment Format of Paper Paper 1: No calculators allowed Paper 2: Use of calculators allowed
Foundation Mathematics Duration Standard Mathematics Foundation Mathematics Paper 1: 1 h Paper 2: 1h 30 mins Paper 1: 1h Paper 2: 1h
Number of marks per question P5 Mathematics Format Paper Booklet Item Type Number of questions Number of marks per question Total marks Duration 1 A MCQ 10 1 h 5 2 B Short Answer 20 1 h 30 min Structure/ Long Answer 12 3, 4,5 45 Total 47 - 100 2 h 30 min
Number of marks per question P5 Foundation Mathematics Format Paper Booklet Item Type Number of questions Number of marks per question Total marks Duration 1 A MCQ 10 1 h 2 20 B Short Answer Structured/ Long Answer 6 3, 4,5 Total 46 - 90 2 h
Main Differences between P4 and P5 Papers Primary 4 P5 Mathematics Duration 1 h 45 min Format of Paper 1 main paper Duration Standard Mathematics: Paper 1 – 1h Paper 2 – 1h 30 min Foundation Mathematics: Paper 2 – 1h Format of Paper Paper 1: No calculators allowed Paper 2: Use of calculators allowed
Supporting Your Child
POLYA’s PROBLEM-SOLVING PROCESS 1 Read and Understand the Problem 2 Plan a Strategy 3 Carry out the Plan and solve the Problem 4 Check
The Model Approach One of the strategies to solve problems in topics such as Whole numbers and Fractions. Provides a visual tool that enables students to determine what operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division) to use to solve the problem.
Supporting your child at home Master the Basics / Commit to Memory Multiplication tables and long division Link between fractions, decimals, ratio and percentage
Supporting your child at home Time Management Sitting through both Paper 1 and Paper 2 Reinforce Classroom Teaching Check understanding Ensure that your child attends school regularly Go through mistakes/misconceptions with your child Check that corrections are done
Science Standard Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Water and Changes in State Water Cycle Plant Reproduction Human Reproduction Cells Plant Transport System Photosynthesis Respiratory and Circulatory Systems Electricity Heat learning journey Cells learning journey
Science Foundation Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Water and Changes in State Water Cycle Plant Reproduction Human Reproduction Plant Transport System Respiratory and Circulatory Systems Energy in Food Electricity Heat learning journey Electricity learning journey
Exam format Standard Same format as P4 NEW: 5 mark questions in Section B P3 and P4 topics will still be tested No. of questions Marks Section A - MCQ 28 56 Section B - Open-ended 13 44
Exam format Foundation No. of questions Marks Section A – MCQ 18 36 Section B – Structured – Open-Ended 6-7 5-6 14 20 Shorter paper (1 h 15 min) Less reading to do Section A MCQ have 3 options per question Section B includes 2-mark short- answer questions Vocabulary List is provided P3 and P4 topics will still be tested
How your child learns Science in school Experiments and hands-on activities Garden activities Lab activities Learning Journeys Practical Test Practice after every topic Recall facts Practice with different types of questions
How you can support your child Include Science in family time
Literacy Through Photography The main objectives of the LTP (Literacy Through Photography) programme are as follows: To develop language, visual and global literacies through photography. To build the confidence of our students as they experience success in their creative expressions. # P5 LTP Tasks Capture photographs of existing areas, parts of architectures or an action related to an area in the school or neighbourhood using various composition technique
P.E. / Physical Health & Fitness Be in P.E. attire (P.E. T-shirt and P.E. shorts) on P.E. days Bring a water bottle every day, especially on P.E. days Bring the P5 PHF book to school You may go through some of the family activities together with your child Your child can also bring a fruit for Snack Break to inculcate the habit of eating fruits and vegetables.
P5 3D2N School Camp (15 Mar – 17 Mar) Outdoor Education – P5 3D2N School Camp (15 Mar – 17 Mar) Objectives: Team Building Confidence Building Level 2 Application of Outdoor Living Skills Build Resilience Dare to Try A continuation from their P3 Outdoor Adventure Learning Journey and P4 2D1N Camp
Important Dates Holiday Supplementary Lessons NE Show 20-21 June Tentatively one Saturday in July (TBC)