Cost impact of design strategies, the Slovenian example


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Presentation transcript:

Cost impact of design strategies, the Slovenian example Authors: Enisa Lojović Hadžihasanović and Katja Rutar Malta, January 17-18, 2008 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Pilot project: Pesticide Indicators Costs: EUR % Staff 13832 51 (2) Travel/subsistence 7992 29 (5) Subcontractors 3500 13 (7) Indirect costs 1773 7 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Pilot project: Pesticide Indicators 2007 Contributions (EUR) 27097 100% From Applicant 2710 10% Commission grant 24387 90% Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Pilot project: Pesticide Indicators 2007 Job title Number of persons of days Permanent staff   Senior counsellor II 1 37 5 Lector and interpreter 2 Applications programmer II 3 Applications programmer III 7 Analyst IV 10 Technical staff Temporary staff Students 4 20 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Pilot project: Pesticide Indicators 2007 7.1a Indirect costs of CATI data collection* EUR Phone 820 Information letter 270 Total 1090 *Total number of units 1350 RR (number of units) 1132 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Pilot project: Pesticide Indicators 2007 7.1b Indirect costs of POST data collection* EUR Questionnaires 135 Post 675 Phone reminder 400 Information letters 270 Total 1480 *Total number of units 1350 RR (number of units) 756 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Pilot project: Pesticide Indicators 2007 7.1c Indirect costs of field data collection* EUR Questionnaires 20 Post 100 Total 120 *Total number of units 200 RR (number of units) 197 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Pilot project: Pesticide Indicators 2007 Other costs of CATI data collection EUR Phone 820 Interviewers 2000 Controllers 100 Instruction of interviewers 96 Information letters 270 Total 3286 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Pilot project: Pesticide Indicators 2007 Other costs of POST data collection EUR Questionnaires 135 Post 675 Information letter 270 Phone reminder 400 Students Data entry 1050 Data control 1000 Total 3 930 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Pilot project: Pesticide Indicators 2007 Other costs of field data collection EUR Questionnaires 20 Post 100 Interviewers incl. travel costs 3 500 Data entry 200 Data control 300 Total 4 120 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Pilot project: Pesticide Indicators 2007 Average cost per agricultural holding CATI data collection 2.43 EUR POST data collection 2.91 EUR Field data collection 20.60 EUR Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia PUS in the future Year Land cover categories elaborated in year Ha No of agri. holdings 1. Arable land and nurseries 176 158 72 122 2. Orchards and olive groves 10 727 28 870 3. Permanent grassland 282 119 64 236 4. Horticulture 1 724 1 254 5. Vineyards 16 428 27 337 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia PUS in the future Year Land cover categories elaborated in year No of agri. holdings 5% of Sample 1. Arable land and nurseries 72 122 3 606 4 000 2. Orchards and olive groves 28 870 1 444 800 3. Permanent grassland 64 236 3 212 1 000 4. Horticulture 1 254 63 400 5. Vineyards 27 337 1 367 600 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia PUS in the future Year Land cover categories elaborated in year Sample Number of cultures 1. Arable land and nurseries 4 000 8 2. Orchards and olive groves 800 4 3. Permanent grassland 1 000 4. Horticulture 400 5. Vineyards 600 2 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

PUS in the future Estimated size of samples taken RR into account Land cover category Field CATI POST Arable land and nurseries 4200 5000 5600 Orchards and olive groves 840 1000 1120 Permanent grassland 1050 1250 1400 Horticulture 420 500 560 Vineyards 630 750 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia PUS in the future Job title Number of persons of days Permanent staff   Senior counsellor II 1 120 5 Applications programmer II 2 Applications programmer III 10 Lector and interpreter Technical staff Other Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia PUS in the future Regular survey performed by field data collection Year Land use categories Sample EUR 1. Arable land and nurseries 4200 86 520 2. Orchards and olive groves 840 17 304 3. Permanent grassland 1050 21 630 4. Horticulture 420 8 652 5. Vineyards 630 12 978 Staff 85 000 Total 7 140 232 084 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia PUS in the future Regular survey performed by CATI data collection method Year Land use categories Sample EUR 1. Arable land and nurseries 5000 12 170 2. Orchards and olive groves 1000 2 434 3. Permanent grassland 1250 3 043 4. Horticulture 500 1 217 5. Vineyards 750 1 826 Staff 85 000 Total 8 500 105 690 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia PUS in the future Regular survey performed by POST data collection method Year Land use categories Sample EUR 1. Arable land and nurseries 5600 16 302 2. Orchards and olive groves 1120 3 261 3. Permanent grassland 1400 4 076 4. Horticulture 560 1 630 5. Vineyards 840 2 445 Staff 85 000 Total 9 520 112 714 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia PUS in the future This costs could increase in case of: - collecting data per agricultural holdings; - collecting data per NUTS 2 region; - collecting data more frequently; - collecting data for more agricultural crops. Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia PUS in the future The decision which data collection method or methods will be chosen for the future realisation of the PUS project depends not only on the costs of the method but also on the quality of obtained data using specific data collection method. Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia