Thinking Critically Questions Chapter Three
What is a theory? Why is it important to understand the various theories of criminal behavior?
Was Jeffery Dahmer a psychopath? Why or why not?
why juveniles join gangs? What are some reasons why juveniles join gangs?
be allowed in the United States? Should “caning” of a convicted offender be allowed in the United States?
(social disorganization, strain, anomie, opportunity) Social Theories Which one of the sociological theories do you think explains the most crime? (social disorganization, strain, anomie, opportunity) Defend your choice.
QUESTIONS Are criminals rational decision makers or, are they motivated by uncontrollable psychological and emotional drives? If you were caught by police while shoplifting, which would you be more afraid of: receiving criminal punishment or, having to face your friends or relatives and experience shame and embarrassment?
Do you think that people who commit crime are physically QUESTION Do you think that people who commit crime are physically or mentally abnormal?
Intelligence and Crime Do you think IQ and crime are linked? If so, why are there more male than female criminals? Or, Why does “aging out” occur?
Why would Durkheim suggest that crime may be beneficial to society? Question Why would Durkheim suggest that crime may be beneficial to society?
Labeling Theory: The Basis for Self-Concept Decision to Label Detection by the Justice System Initial Criminal Act Creation of a New Identity Acceptance of Labels Deviance Amplification
According to the previous diagram, is labeling a “cause” of crime QUESTION According to the previous diagram, is labeling a “cause” of crime or, the result of crime?