BC’s professional association for dental technicians & dental technology
Vision We are leaders in Dental Technology Mission The DTABC is the professional voice of dental technology and is committed to delivering excellence in education and providing relevant benefits.
Dentaltechniciansofbc.com Fiduciary responsibility Currently eight-member Board of Directors Fiduciary responsibility Sustain the provisions of our bylaws Dentaltechniciansofbc.com
benefits Professional development- discounts on continuing education courses, free access to PDC and DTABC Lab Expo- our annual conference Networking opportunities- strengthen existing business relationships and make new contacts Advocacy and public awareness- DTABC can effectively organize campaigns to raise our profile and lobby government on your behalf Build a national presence – ADTO partnership Volunteer and leadership opportunities- participate in the governance process of the DTABC
Benefits cont’d Best possible & competitive professional liability insurance Competitive pricing on group insurance for extended health and business Dental Technology Today and Spectrum Career opportunities – DTABC job ads and classifieds
College Liaison Committee The DTABC and our College are working in partnership with the Denturists and the Dental Hygienists to submit a joint proposal to government for an expanded Scope of Practice for all three professions. The Expanded Scope of Practice will include the taking of the impressions and other intraoral procedures that have not been part of the current scope. The ability to perform the additional restricted activity of “fitting” dental appliances If approved the College proposal will allow denturists and hygienists to prescribe appliances The expanded Scope of Practice for Dental Technicians will be voluntary, subject to appropriate training.
DTABC PDC Partnership Fourth year of partnership New Lab Expo features a product showcase 36 Exhibitors Continuing Education Free for DTABC members during early bird Provide relevant courses and more focus on Dentist and RDT synergy
outlook Move forward with Expanded SOP Build and expand program with PDC New on-line education programs in light of new SOP Continue to improve Dental Technology Today Magazine Pricing/reference guide Revise DTABC bylaws relative to new Society Act
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