English 1 Pre-AP Ms. Andrea Khawaja Andrea.Khawaja@austinisd.org Welcome English 1 Pre-AP Ms. Andrea Khawaja Andrea.Khawaja@austinisd.org Please complete the handout and leave it in the silver bin on your way out.
Your students will… Read, discuss, and interpret a multitude of literature Collect, learn, and use elevated vocabulary Write clear and concise pieces for a variety of audiences Practice both self and peer evaluation Build and enhance strategies for STAAR and AP tests Analyze various media, including film, music, journalism, and art Make connections between personal experience and the course work
Grading Policy- English 1 Pre-AP Major Compositions/Projects/Tests 40% Quizzes 25% Daily Grades 25% Journals 10% PND means a grade is pending. MSG means the assignment is missing but can be turned in for late credit. I need two weekends to grade major writing assignments.
Maternity Leave January-Spring Break Mr. Frank Pool-Long-term substitute Began teaching in 1976 Teaching at Anderson since 1994 Retired 2010; teaching part-time since then Has taught all levels of English courses Also has taught history, philosophy, and word study National Board Certification International Baccalaureate Examiner M.A. in philosophy, UT Administrator’s certification Facilitator, in-service presenter Published author and columnist FrankT.Pool@gmail.com
Website This website is a wonderful resource for students and parents. The website can be found at: http://www.andersononline.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=372442&type=u
English 1 Pre-AP Texts 1st Six Weeks Short Stories and excerpts from The Odyssey 2nd Six Weeks & 3rd Six Weeks The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Harlem Renaissance Poetry 4th Six Weeks Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare 5th Six Weeks Rhetoric and In the Time of the Butterflies 6th Six Weeks Student-selected novel/World Literature Circles
Late Work Major compositions and projects that are turned in late will be penalized ten points per school day they are late with the limit being three school days. After three school days, the major composition or project will earn a grade no higher than 50.
Contact Information Ms. Andrea Khawaja Room 336 Phone: 841-1620 Email: andrea.khawaja@austinisd.org