We have a pretty good idea. Nations where Christ not preached have very low standards of living, they have low ideals and morals, and sometimes they live in slavery, cannibalism, and hatred. The influence of Christ has been seen in art, literature, music, movies, just about every area of our lives. We would not have the golden rule.
If Christ Had Not Come: The law of Moses nor the prophecies of the Prophets would not have been fulfilled. We would still be looking for the Messiah. Since, unfulfilled, nobody would put any stock into those prophecies. We would still be under the Law of Moses.
If Christ Had Not Come: There would be no gospel. There would be no redemption There would be no propitiation There would be no future There would be no remission of sins. There would be no reconciliation.
If Christ Had Not Come: The church would never have been built. There would be no place for the saved. There would be no saved. There would be no encouragement There would be no evangelism
If Christ Had Not Come: There would be no mediator between God and man. There would be no hope beyond the grave. There would be no grace. We would still be separated from God.
Conclusion We see the immoral depravity in our country that claims to be Christian. We see the immoral depravity in other countries that do not claim to be Christian. Everyone would do what was right in their own eyes. It is the worse thing that could possibly happen to mankind.