The Tabernacle Arnold C Mendez Bible Study Corpus Christi TX 3-16-19 Harlingen TX 3-30-19
The Importance of the Tabernacle, It Helps Us to Understand… The heavenly details since it is a copy of the heavenly. The layout and details about Solomon’s, Herod’s, and Ezekiel’s millennial temple. The story flow in many of the Old Testament observances. The setting of the book of Revelation. How man can have direct access to God. God’s plan of salvation.
The Tabernacle
The Tabernacle Tent Bronze Laver Courtyard Fence Altar Door
Introduction to the Tabernacle The Courtyard The Holy place The Holy of Holies The High Priest
Introduction to the Tabernacle God orders Moses to construct the tabernacle (Ex. 25:1-9) The Tabernacle was a portable meeting place, that could be easily moved. God desired to live among His people He wanted a relationship with them (Ex. 25:22)
The altar of burnt offerings Layout of the Tabernacle The door The bronze laver The altar of burnt offerings The courtyard fence The tent
The Tabernacle Tent Holy Place The Holy of Holies The golden lampstand The Table of Showbread The golden lampstand The altar of incense The Ark of the Covenant The veil/curtain Holy Place The Holy of Holies
Introduction to the Tabernacle God gave the instructions on how the tabernacle was to be built. (Ex. 25:8,9) Studying the Tabernacle allow us to understand how God wants to be worshipped. The Tabernacle allowed the common man to have access to God.
Introduction to the Tabernacle The Tabernacle was a physical representation of what is in heaven. The Tabernacle points to the redemptive work of Christ. (Heb. 9) The real or original Tabernacle is up in heaven where Jesus Christ serves as our High Priest. (Heb 8:1-5)
The Tabernacle
An Overview of the Courtyard The door of the courtyard. The courtyard fence. The Altar of burnt offerings. The Bronze Laver.
The Inner Courtyard
The Door of the Tabernacle Jesus referred to Himself as the door. You must go through him, the door to receive eternal life. (Jo. 10:9)
The Inner Courtyard The door
The Courtyard Fence The courtyard had a fence made of linen material, columns, and brass bases.
The Inner Courtyard The courtyard fence
The Altar of Burnt Offerings Sacrifice is very important for the process of justification. The sacrifice had to be perfect. Only blood can pay for sin.
The Altar of Burnt Offerings The Inner Courtyard The Altar of Burnt Offerings
The Bronze Laver Water is symbolic of being clean. When we are baptized we are put into water. Water cleanses us from our past sinful life. (Heb. 10:22) This water cleansing points to Christ (Jo. 7:37-39)
The Inner Courtyard The Bronze Laver
The Tabernacle-Tent
The Tent
The Tabernacle Tent Consisted of two rooms. The Holy Place and the Holy of Holies.
The Tent – Layout of Holy Place and Holy of Holies Veil
The Holy Place and the Holy of Holies The Holy Place was entered into everyday by the priests. The Holy of Holies was only entered into once a year by the High Priest and that was on the Day of Atonement. (Lev. 16 & Heb. 9:6-7)
The Holy Place The golden lampstand with 7 candles. The Table of Showbread. The Altar of Incense.
The Golden Lampstand-7 Lamps The golden Lampstand was the only source of light in the Holy Place. Filled with olive oil. Each lamp has prophetic significance. (Rev. 1) Christians are the light of the world. (Mat. 5:14-16)
The Holy Place The Golden Lampstand
The Table of Showbread There were 12 loaves on the table arranged in 2 stacks each 6 loaves high. They were replaced every Sabbath. Jesus is the bread of life, and the Passover uses unleavened bread as a symbol for his sacrifice.
The Holy Place The Table of Showbread
The Altar of Incense This altar stood at the entrance to the Holy of Holies. Without incense you could not enter the Holy of Holies. (Lev. 16:12-13) Incense represents prayer. (Rev. 5:8; 8:3-4)
The Holy Place The Altar of Incense
The Holy of Holies The Veil The Ark of the Covenant
The Veil The Veil divided the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies. The Veil was a physical barrier between man and God. Only once a year on the Day of Atonement did the High Priest go through the Veil into the Holy of Holies. (Lev. 16:15)
The Veil The Veil was torn from top to bottom when Jesus died. (Mat. 27:51) The body of Jesus was the Veil through which we can access God. (Heb. 10:19-20) Through Jesus we are no longer separated from God the Father.
The Holy of Holies The Veil
The Ark of the Covenant The Ark contained the tablet of the 10 commandments, a jar of manna, and Aaron’s rod that budded. (Heb. 9:4) The mercy seat or Atonement cover was made of pure gold had two cherubim facing each other with extended wings touching. (Ex. 25:17-21) It was from here between the mercy seat that God spoke to Moses. (Ex. 25:22)
The Holy of Holies The Ark of the Covenant
The High Priest-Garments Turban Ephod, Robe, and Tunic. The Breastplate. The Urim and Thummim.
The High Priest-Ephod, Robe, & Tunic Ephod- gold, blue, purple and scarlet thread with a band or belt. (Ex. 28:5-8) Robe-made of blue bottom fringed with pomegranates and bells. (Ex. 28:31-35) Tunic-made of linen. (Ex. 28:39)
The High Priest-The Turban The Turban or head covering (Ex. 28:4) Plate of pure gold engraved; HOLINESS TO THE LORD tied to the Turban with blue cord. (Ex. 28:36-38)
The High Priest-Breastplate Memorial Stones-with the names of the tribes of Israel The Breastplate made of precious stones with the names of the tribes of Israel. The Urim and Thummin inside the breastplate by the heart.
The Pattern of the Tabernacle The Tabernacle was the pattern followed for Solomon’s Temple
The Pattern of the Tabernacle The Tabernacle and Solomon's temple have the same general specifications.
The Pattern of the Tabernacle The Tabernacle was the pattern followed for Herod’s Temple
The Heavenly Tabernacle The Tabernacle followed the pattern in heaven. Heb. 9:11 …perfect tabernacle not made with hands. Heb. 9:23 …copies of the things in heaven. Heb. 8:2,5…true tabernacle which the Lord erected…copy…of the heavenly.
Jesus Christ is our High Priest Heb. 4:14-16 Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
The Tabernacle as a Plan of Salvation Christ is the door. We must have our sins forgiven through the shedding of blood-sacrifice is required. We are washed in Baptism receive living waters. We have access to the bread of life. We are made part of the church and we are not in darkness anymore. We can by prayer enter through the veil. We have direct access to God through incense and blood-prayer and the sacrifice of Christ our High Priest.
Hebrew 8 Jesus Christ is our High Priest He serves in the true heavenly sanctuary Order of Melchizedek (Heb. 6:20) Christ is the bringer of a New Covenant Hebrew 9 The Earthly Sanctuary Tabernacle and temple; all incomplete and limited Contrasted with the heavenly sanctuary Death/sacrifice is required Completeness of Christ’s sacrifice
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Works Cited – Photo Credits English Standard Version (ESV) Study Bible. Artwork: Maps, Illustrations, and Charts & Diagrams. Crossway publishing. 2019. Langevin Yves. The Tabernacle, Exodus 25-40. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. 2019 Sweet Publishing. Moses and the Building of the Tabernacle. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Uported License. 2019. Wikipedia. Wikipedia Commons. 2019.
Questions and Answers The Tabernacle Arnold C Mendez Bible Study Corpus Christi TX 3-16-19 Harlingen TX 3-30-19