Effective Meetings with Legislators Southern New England Advocacy Conference February 24, 2019
“Relationships, Relationships, Relationships.” (Once again, it's all about...)
Before the Meeting Do your homework! What is their professional background? Do they have kids? Where do they go to school? When did they get elected? How long have they served? What committees are they members of or have they been a part of? What kinds of legislation have they introduced / passed (if any)? What kind of issues do they care about based on their statements / history? Plan out your agenda and talking points with backup information Lay out the order of your issues PRACTICE!!!
Effective Meetings / Communications Always introduce yourself Stick to your outline Assign a Spokesperson for each issue and / or a facilitator Talk about each issue succinctly and concisely and SHARE Personal Examples and Stories and Impacts Do not make anything up, do not answer any questions you don’t know Give your contact information and get theirs (always follow up) Don’t become pen pals Be a Resource for them Invite them to your facility / events
Considerations You may meet with a staff member OR the elected official or both You may start with staff and elected official may join Definitely assign a facilitator, follow ORDER of talking points These are YOUR meetings Be prepared for worst case scenario and the real meeting will be easy! Designate someone to answer questions Be on time, know where you are going, leave time for security Take notes, connect the dots Leave behinds Make sure one person per team / group follows up
Thank you for wanting to be an Advocate! Democracy requires an informed and engaged citizenry!
More Information Sign up for the FIRST Advocacy Network – www.fistnac.org/fan Make plans to attend the NAC in 23 - 25 June 2019 – www.firstnac.org New early registration incentives! Register by April 1, 2019 – www.firstnac.org/incentivies Contact me with any questions! Steve Hyer staff@firstnac.org Welcome: Introduce yourself, Tell us about your kids, What do you hope we can deliver in this group? Introduction: History of Parent Trips, Possible testimonials from 2 to 3 participants, Outcomes (Relationships and Engagement and Future Action), Desire to engage our entire community Clarkston Champions – What is it? Collection of individuals who want to impact positive change for our kids and our community (local, state, nation)