Regional Center of Orange County 2012 Performance Contract Introduce Self
Beginning January 1, 1993, Senate Bill 1383 (McCorquodale) required the Department of Developmental Services (Department) to enter into five-year outcome-based performance contracts with regional centers. The experience gained by the Department and the regional centers from their initial data led to an interest in refining the process of establishing and measuring both system and individual outcomes. This also led to an overall system reform effort which sought to establish a comprehensive performance-based system of accountability for all who serve consumers and their families. This project modifies the existing performance contracting process so that it aligns with the system reform effort.
Outcome-based performance plans must be developed through meaningful participation with each regional center’s local community. The regional center shall conduct at least one public meeting, with 10 calendar days advance notice, where participants can provide input on the performance plan. Regional centers shall also use focus groups or surveys to collect information from the community.
Evaluation Criteria for Regional Center Performance The Department reviews baseline and year-end information to evaluate performance. Success is demonstrated when: The outcome has improved over the prior year’s baseline, or The performance exceeds the statewide average, or The performance equals a standard that has been defined by the Department
RCOC 2012 Performance Contract Policy Measures? Developmental Center Population Children Residing with Families Adults Residing in Home Settings Children Residing in Facilities with Seven or More Beds (Excluding DC’s) Adults Residing in Facilities with Seven or More Beds (Excluding DC’s) Duration in Intake Status (Status 0) for Individuals Ages 3 and Over
RCOC’s PEOPLE 384 STAFF 17,109 CONSUMERS 3000+ SERVICE PROVIDERS 2005 = 359 staff, 14,002 consumers and 3,016 service providers 2006 = 378 staff, 14,519 consumers and 2,592 service providers 2007 = 392 staff, 14,954 consumers and 2,814 service providers (excluding parents “V” vendors) 2008 = 392 staff (246 sc’s), 15,859 consumers and 3,300 service providers (excluding parents “V” vendors) 4,012 Vouchers 2009 = 386 staff (229 sc’s) (budgeted positions 419), 16,811 consumers and 2,975 service providers (718 vouchers). 5 % caseload growth with a 4% reduction in operations 2010
RCOC’s DOLLARS 2011/2012 PURCHASE OF SERVICE - $199.1 Million OPERATIONS - $24.3 Million FY 2004 PURCHASE OF SERVICE - $117.5 Million OPERATIONS - $26.2 Million FY 2005 PURCHASE OF SERVICE - $134.5 Million OPERATIONS - $26.0 Million FY 2006 PURCHASE OF SERVICE - $139.4 Million OPERATIONS - $27.9 Million 16.7% is OPS Total Budget $167 Million / Ops = 16.7% POS = 83.3% FY 2007 PURCHASE OF SERVICE - $151,901,846 OPERATIONS - $28,982,745 TOTAL $180,884,591 15.5% is OPS Total Budget $180.9 Million / Ops = 16.0% POS = 84.0% FY 2008 Preliminary Allocation: POS $173,049,968 Ops $29,375,160 Total $202,425,128 Total Allocation $202.4 Million / Ops = 14.5% POS = 85.5% FY 2009 Preliminary Allocation: POS $172,243,408 Ops $24,196,214 Total $196,439,622 Total Allocation $196.4 Million / Ops = 12.3% POS = 87.7% FY2010 Preliminary Allocation: POS $243,880,725 Ops $31,039,184 Total 274,919,909 Million / Ops = 12% POS = 88% RC Statewide Budget FY 07 $3.2 Billion (2.7 Billion POS). RC Statewide Budget FY 08 $3.6 Billion (3.1 Billion POS) ($501 million ops) DC $720.3 million DDS Total $4.4 Billion RC Statewide Budget FY 09 $3.9 Billion (3.4 Billion POS) ($530 million ops) DC $669.7 million DDS Total $4.6 Billion RC Statewide Budget FY 10 $4.9 Billion (4.2 Billion POS) DC $689.0 million DDS Total $4.9 Billion -------------- Day Program $58,082,986 LivOpt./ProgSup. $45,705,526 Early Start $37,338,502 Respite/Day Care $17,886,969 Transportation $8,193,813 Supported Living $26,241,108 IL & AFHA $6,054,866 Other $66,019,938 Total $265,523,708
R.C.O.C. Guiding Principles Purchase of Service Guidelines Community Life Self-Determination Supports Family Support Early Intervention/Prevention Living Options Education/Lifelong Learning Work Recreation & Leisure Service Planning & Coordination Administration & Governance Prenatal Diagnostic Evaluation Early Intervention Services Therapy Care Services Respite Care Services Day Care Services Adult Day Program Support Services: Day Program Transportation Residential Services Support Services: Residential Psychological, Counseling and Educational Services Medical and Dental Services Equipment and Supplies Social and Recreational Services
Regional Center Caseload
Orange County 124 0.72% 17,109 RCOC has less people in the DC than the rest of the state on average. 11 out in 2002, 11 out in 2003, 10 out in 2004, 17 out in 2005, 13 out in 2006, 9 out in 2007, 11 out in 2008, 9 out in 2009 Reduction of 91 in the last seven years. ----------------------------------------------------- Statement: The Regional Center of Orange County (RCOC) is committed to providing assistance to individuals and their families who choose to move from a state developmental center (SDC) into a less restrictive environment within their home communities. Objective: RCOC will continue to seek new and innovative methods of utilizing available resources, developing non-existing resources, and creating and implementing transition plans that will allow individuals to establish themselves and participate successfully in their home community living arrangements.
RCOC Performance Contract 2012