ICAP 2006, Chamonix Mont-Blanc Comparison of the Beam Dynamics Designs for the FAIR High Current Proton Linac-RFQ S. Yaramyshev*, W. Barth, L. Dahl, L. Groening, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany; A. Schempp, IAP, Frankfurt, Germany; S. Minaev, ITEP, Moscow, Russia; A. Durkin, MRTI, Moscow, Russia
Main parameters of the RFQ designs 4-rod A. Schempp et al. Main parameters of the RFQ designs 20 cm 4-vane (windows) S. Minaev et al.
Parameter study for the 325 MHz RFQ (p-Linac for FAIR) S. Yaramyshev, W. Barth, L. Groening Internal GSI report (November 2009) p-RFQ: IAP design 2009
Design ion proton Frequency 324.224 MHz Input energy 95 keV Input relative velocity 0.0142 Output energy 3.002 Mev Output relative velocity 0.0798 Type of cavity 4-rods (mini-vanes) Voltage 80 kV Max. field strength ≤ 2.0 Kp 359 kV/cm Length 315.9 cm Regular cell number 209 Input radial matcher 4 cells Average radius 0.4 ÷ 0.28 ÷ 0.36 cm Aperture 0.4 ÷ 0.22 ÷ 0.23 cm Half-width of mini-vanes 0.85 R0 Modulation 1.00 ÷ 2.108 Synchronous phase -90° ÷ -26° Input emittance (total, unnorm.) 105 mm*mrad Input beam current 80 mA Input Twiss parameters α = 0.86 β = 0.046 mm/mrad Particle transmission ≈ 99 %
Fig. 12. Particle distribution from simulations for LEBT (CEA). Calculated with DYNAMION particle transmission is about - 93% (low current) - 82% (100 mA)