Unity Application Generator Developing Structure Form to be used: SF3
Developing a structure in Unity Derived Data type Structure can be defined in Unity under Derived Data type By clicking on the editor, new structure can be inserted. Under the PLUS sign, new variables can be inserted
Developing a structure in Unity After the structure is defined, then the program has to be to BUILT using build tab. A built Structure should be placed in library using PUT IN LIBRARY function. The software will ask about the location: select appropriate location
Developing a structure in Unity The structure can be exported using EXPORT command Save at appropriate location: the extension is *.xdd
Developing a structure in SCoD editor In SCD Editor, open the library where this structure has to be placed. In SCD Editor, open the library where this structure has to be placed. Select the right structure exported from Unity
Developing a structure in SCoD editor After clicking OK to the message window for the name, new structure will be available in SCoD editor .
Developing a structure in SCoD editor Analyze the library and save it. .
Summary Developing structure In Unity: Structure has to be defined in Derived Data type Has to be analyzed. Has to be exported. Then has to be placed in the library using PUT IN LIBARAY function In SCoD editor Structure has to be imported. Library should be analyzed Library should be SAVEd.