9-11 Causes of…
Serbia Germany Russia England Austria-Hungry France Which of the four (4) causes of the Great War is being displayed in this political cartoon? What do the colors of the National Names above the bubbles refer to? 1&2) Warm up
The Outbreak of World War I The outbreak of WWI in 1914 was a test for America’s new foreign policy The USA was now an imperial power after the Spanish-American War The U.S. built the Panama Canal, used the Roosevelt Corollary to control Latin America, & created the Open Door Policy in China But, the USA maintained a policy of neutrality in European affairs 3) Define
Militarism Britain, France, Germany developed modern armies & navies, leading to an arms race in Europe 4) Define German battleship, Kaiser By the 20th century, European powers began to glorify war as a means to accomplish their goals
Alliances & Imperialism Germany, Austria-Hungary, & Italy made up the Triple Alliance England, France, & Russia made up the Triple Entente IMPERIALISM: European nations took colonies, competition for colonies led to rivalries Increasing militarism led nations to form powerful alliances in case of war Alliances & Imperialism
Pre-War Alliance Network
Feelings of nationalism led strong countries to want to gain more power & led many weaker nations to want to re-define their boundaries Nationalism was strong in the Balkans, where Serbia hoped to unite with Austrian Slavs In 1914, Serbian terrorists assassinated Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand Nationalism
The assassination sparked World War I The Eastern Front The Western Front The Allied Powers The Central Powers
The Great War quickly became the 1st “World War” ?? 5) Who vs Who?
But by 1917, the USA entered WWI as an Allied Power… WHY? American Neutrality When World War I began in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson declared U.S. neutrality But by 1917, the USA entered WWI as an Allied Power… WHY? 10
Document A-1 6) What is this saying?
Document A-2 7) Infer…
U.S. Losses to German Submarine Warfare, 1916-1918 Document B U.S. Losses to German Submarine Warfare, 1916-1918
Document C U.S. War Loans 1914—1917: To the Allied Powers: $2.25 billion To the Central Powers: $27 million 8) Analyze!
Intercepted telegram from Germany to Mexico, 1917 Document D 9) Huh? Intercepted telegram from Germany to Mexico, 1917
10) Why publish this story? Document E The German officer knocked at the door… The officer ordered the soldiers to break down the door, which two of them did. The peasant came and asked what they were doing. His hands were tied behind his back, and he was shot at once without a moment’s delay. The wife came out with a little sucking child. One of the Germans took a rifle and struck her a tremendous blow with the butt on the head. Another took his bayonet and fixed it and thrust it through the child. He then put his rifle on his shoulder with the child up on it, its little arms stretched out once or twice. The officers ordered the house to be set on fire…The man, his wife and child were thrown on top. (James Bryce, head of the Committee on Alleged German Atrocities as reported to British Parliament, 1915) 10) Why publish this story?
(President Wilson, April, 1917) Document F We shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts,—for democracy, for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their own Governments, for the rights and liberties of small nations, for a universal dominion of right by such a concert of free peoples as shall bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world itself at last free…The world must be made safe for democracy. (President Wilson, April, 1917) 11) What is this?
Document G 12) Infer! In Nov 1917, Vladimir Lenin & the Bolsheviks successfully overthrew the Russian gov’t & established the Soviet Union, the 1st communist nation
Americans were killed when the Lusitania, Sussex, & Arabic sank America Enters the War Americans were killed when the Lusitania, Sussex, & Arabic sank By 1917, the USA entered WWI as an Allied Power because: German unrestricted submarine warfare violated U.S. free trade Germany’s Zimmerman Telegram offered to return the Mexican Cession if Mexico invaded the USA President Wilson hoped to stop the Central Powers & make the world “safe for democracy” The USA declared war in April 1917 10
World War I in Color: Slaughter in the Trenches (47:18)
What were the four causes of World War I? EQ’s: What were the four causes of World War I? Despite their wish, why was the United States unable to remain neutral in this conflict? Answer 13&14
World War I & Its Impact on North Carolina 9-16 “The Great War”
Warm Up: Quote Analysis “You will be home before the first leaves all from the trees” – Keiser Wilhelm II to the German Troops What does this quote say about the initial thoughts of the looming war?
Setting up the Dominoes What sparked it? Imperialism & the Alliance System The “Catalyst” Throughout 1800’s and early 1900’s- Industrial nations fought 4 raw mat. & customers They competed 2 build largest navy & strongest army Tried to create largest empire Called… Imperialism Competition enflamed old hatreds & sparked new ones too! To protect themselves… Countries establish Alliance System System of treaties that stated support for one another in the case of military actions against them Austro-Hungarian Empire holds Bosnia as part of its empire 28 June 1914- Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to throne of A-H Empire, is assassinated by… Gavrilo Princip 19yr. old Serbian student Wanted Serbia, Bosnia, Herzegovina (Slavic nations) to become own free nation Yugoslavia Hoped this would start war b/t Slavs & A-H Empire A-H Emperor outraged !!! Austria declares war on Serbia Serbia’s ally, Russia declares war on Austria Austria’s ally, Germany declares war on Russia Russia’s ally France gets in, and Germany declares war on France To get to France, Germany must go through Belgium Belgium’s ally (England) declares war on Germany Slowly the dominoes fall, and the whole world gets involved
3) Name the 2 sides
An Uneasy Neutrality 4) Your Opinion? Central Powers- Austro-Hungarian, German, and Ottoman Empires Allied Powers- Serbia, France, Russia, Belgium, England, Italy At 1st… USA tries to stay out Declares neutrality, help neither side President Woodrow Wilson urged neutrality but became sympathetic to Allied cause Allies were mostly democracies Had economic, and cultural ties to Allies as well Central Powers were viewed as bullying empires
The United States Declares War Germany’s war tactics make the decision for USA Germans desperate to keep USA supplies from getting to Allies May 1915- German U-Boat (submarine) sinks British passenger ship from NY to London Lusitania (cruise ship) 100+ Americans died President Wilson was outraged, but warned Germany not to mess w/ us again Germany tests the waters Alfred Zimmermann, Prime Minister of Germany Sends telegram to Mexico Urges them to join Central Powers and declare war on USA The “Zimmermann Telegraph” was too much!!! 6 April 1917- USA declares war on Germany Lusitania sinking video hyperlinked to pic of ship 5)Zimmermann Telegram
6) What invention would you fear? New Inventions 6) What invention would you fear? During WWI, everyone used advances of Industrial Rev. to invent more deadly weapons 1860- machine gun invented, but perfected during WWI Fired so fast… Soldiers couldn’t protect themselves Force the beginning of “Trench Warfare” Soldiers dug 1,000’s of miles of trenches Space of land /t the 2 sides and their trenches called… “no man’s land” Men could lay low Fought and lived in the trenches for months at a time Faced constant gunfire and diseased rats in the trenches Other inventions added to brutality of war Poison Gas Tanks (1st used at Battle of the Somme Airplanes and zeppelins used to bomb After first 2 years of the war… No one could tell who was winning Wondered if it would ever end 7)Video Notes Trench warfare video hyperlinked to trench photo World War One Trench Warfare (3:53)
The Turning Point 8) Define Doughboy! 9) Define Armistice 1917- series of events start to bring war to end Feb. 1917- Russian people revolt against “Czar,” ruler Tired of war, death, and starvation 7 Nov. 1917- new Russian gov’t est. That gov’t signs peace treaty w/ Germany Result… Germans & Austro-Hungarians can send more troops against Allies in West Russian out of picture… Germans think win soon theirs , but… June 1918- US “doughboys” arriving @ 250,000 per month! By August, USA was pushing the Germans further and further east Second Battle of the Marne (turning point) Germans defeated, will never be on offensive again German people had had enough! Refused to fight any longer 9 Nov. 1918- German “Kaiser,” ruler gave up throne Germany becomes a republic 11 Nov. 1918- Germans sign “armistace” cease fire agreement 11:00 am, the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month. 9) Define Armistice
11) What is the point of the League? Making Peace 10) Treaty 11) What is the point of the League? Jan. 1919- reps from 32 nations met in Paris to write the treaty The losers were not invited Treaty becomes known as the Treaty of Versailles Placed all blame on Germany Germany forced to give up all colonies Pay all costs of the war too!!! Allied clearly won, but many believe treaty was way to rub Germans nose it Analogy… “Running up the Score” Will become basis of WW2 Austro-Hungarian & Ottoman Empires were broken up & divided into several countries US President Wilson called for something bigger League of Nations (precursor to UN) World governing body set up to settle conflicts b/t countries w/o war US citizens didn’t want to be a part of it… Wanted to stay neutral in world affairs and refused to become a member League quickly folds w/o US support World War I - Treaty of Versailles (3:06)
Changes in Russia While debate of treaty was going on in Paris… 12) Revolution? While debate of treaty was going on in Paris… Russians in middle of civil war Many groups battled for control 1920- Vladimir Lenin and Bolsheviks had won Change name of country to Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, or USSR, or Soviet Union Set up new gov’t based on ideas of Karl Marx, a German economist Set up communism, economic system were peoples’ gov’t owns everything and profits divided equally Homes, farms, land, crops, animals, etc
Effects of the War on North Carolina Changes from WWI would leave the USA forever changed 116,000 US soldiers killed Another 204,000 wounded 86,000+ NC soldiers fought in WWI 3 training camps were created in NC for US soldiers to train b4 deployment Camp Greene in Charlotte Camp Polk in Raleigh Camp Bragg near Fayetteville When the war ended, soldiers returned Told tales of places and people they had seen Gave many a new outlook on the world Became critical of conditions at home Lead to support drives for improvements w/in the state Many became more tolerant of others ideas and cultures b/c of what they saw during the war overseas 14) Video Notes! Hip Hughes Video Link hyperlinked on Camp Greene pix 13) How is having bases in our state good for our economy?
Exit Ticket What was the result of World War 1? 15) Recap!